Script atau kode diatas fungsinya untuk mengatur PARTUS: REVEALED, THE HIDDEN FACTS OF THE BIRTH OF JESUS ​​CHRIST (QURAN AND BIBLE VERSION), pub-5323710190924562, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 -->

24 September 2024


birth of jesus christ
The birth of Jesus Christ or Isa Almasih has sparked a sharp debate between 2 adherents of Islam and Christianity.

The reason is that there are two different pieces of information about where Jesus Christ was born.

The version of the Qur'an says that Prophet Jesus was born under a date palm tree, while from adherents of Christianity in the books of Luke and Matthew, according to them Jesus Christ was born in a sheep pen (Luke), while according to Matthew he was born in a guest house.
There is even a Christian apologist who argues that Jesus Christ and Isa Almasih are two different figures because he saw the two birthplaces.

So which is the correct birthplace of Jesus Christ? That the accusation that Jesus Christ was born under a date palm tree as stated in the Qur'an is wrong information, say followers of the Bible.

As is commonly known, the holy book of the Qur'an was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad SAW in the 7th century AD.

While the event discussed by the Quran is about a figure named Maryam or Mother Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ, the event occurred in the first century AD through Surah Al Imran verse 33 and Surah Maryam verses 16 to 40.

There is a time difference of 600 years since the birth of Jesus Christ occurred until it was told in the Quran.

Well, from here we start to wonder, why is the information in the Qur'an not in sync with the information in the Bible of Luke that already existed earlier,

Apocryphal Gospels

The position of all information in the Qur'an comes directly from Allah SWT, and this information can also be found in apocryphal books that have been circulating since the first century, but unfortunately some of these books are not recognized by the church or are rejected.

Why was it rejected by the church, I have reviewed in my previous article why is reading the Gospel of Barnabas is forbidden

What is accepted, recognized and used by Christians until now is only the Old Testament plus the books of Mark, Martyr, Luke and John.

Historical fact that in the first century many books were published, and information about the birth of Jesus Christ under a date palm tree as told in the Koran, is in the contents of the pseudo Matthew book.

The contents of this book tell a lot about the origin of the Virgin Mary and the childhood life of Jesus Christ. But unfortunately, this book is categorized as aprocrypha which is rejected by the church for use.

Here are some apocryphal bibles that are on the papal list of churches to be rejected, namely James, pseudo Matthew, Thomas, then Hebrews, Mary, the book of Enoch, including Barnabas.

It is said that the apocryphal bible was written not inspired by the Holy Spirit, while the canonical books (Mark, Luke, Matthew, John) were written guided by the Holy Spirit.

If the pseudo-Matthew Bible is rejected because it is included in the list of apocryphal gospels, then automatically the information about Jesus' birth under a date palm tree in the Quran is also dropped.

Interestingly, there is some information in the books of Mark, Luke, Matthew, John that comes from apocryphal Bible sources and it is accepted and acknowledged, this is strange and odd and inconsistent.

For example, the Bible of James mentions the name of Joachim as the father of Mother Mary but that name is accepted in 4 canonical books. Meanwhile, the matter of the birth of Jesus Christ who was born under a date palm in the pseudo-Matthew Book was rejected by the church.

In fact, the Bible of James and pseudo-Matthew are included in the list of apocryphal books.

There is something mysterious here, another example is the letter of Jude chapter 1:14 in the New Testament, the source of the information is taken from the book of Enoch which is included in this category of apocryphal. See, it's not consistent anymore.

So if the Qur'an says that Isa Almasih or Jesus Christ was born under a date palm tree, it cannot be said to be wrong information. There is also a difference about the place of Jesus' birth between the Bible of Matthew and the Bible of Luke, Matthew says at home while Luke says in a manger.

Equality of information

Here is some information in the Qur'an that has equality with the aprocryphal books, There is a story in the Qur'an about Jesus making a bird from clay and it is only in the book of Thomas.
  1. Jesus Christ was born under a date palm tree in the pseudo-book of Matthew
  2. Mother Mary was kept in the Holy House of Baitullah in the Aqsa Mosque or Bethamiqedas in Jerusalem, in the Book of James.
So, actually before the emergence of Christian teachings through the main actor Saint Paul, there were previous books that told the story of the birth of Jesus Christ.

However, the story does not match the doctrine of Christian teachings, so it needs to be rejected, but other information is accepted.

Let's reflect, think, examine the mystery behind the history of the birth of Jesus Christ which is so phenomenal.
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