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Showing posts with label HEALTH. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HEALTH. Show all posts

19 July 2024


overcome stress

The stress of never becoming a graduate is something that is not easy for a student to overcome. Indeed, being a student is very exciting and colorful, there are many new things that you can learn after leaving high school.

But don't get the wrong perception, behind all this excitement you often experience stress which can make you dizzy.

Busy college activities, lots of assignments, sudden quizzes, or other campus dramas can make anyone feel stressed.

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23 June 2024


newborn photo Welcoming the birth of a baby is something that makes prospective parents very happy. New parents prepare many things when their long-awaited baby is finally born into the world.

One thing that many parents prepare for is documenting the birth phase. Documentation will indeed be important and can become a beautiful memory when the child sees it again when he is older.

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21 June 2024


preservatives foodWhat is preservative? A preservative is a type of substance (can be natural or chemical) that is added to certain products to prevent decomposition effects due to the growth of microorganisms and chemical reactions.

Preservatives can be used in various food products, drinks, medicine, paint, cosmetics, cosmetic samples, wood and various other types of products.

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17 June 2024


FORMALDEHYDE Do you know what Formaldehyde is ? Formaldehyde or Formalin or Methanal is a chemical compound that is widely used as a preservative.

Formaldehyde or Formalin was synthesized by Aleksandr Butlerov, a Russian chemist, in 1859 and identified in 1867 by Hoffman. In small amounts, formaldehyde can be produced by metabolites of microorganisms, including humans, you know!

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30 January 2024


"food makes you fat"

Food makes you fat or not actually depends on the type of food we eat every day. There are several types of food that if consumed every day will quickly make you fat instantly.

If this is the case then the next problem is to reduce your weight back to your ideal weight, because if left unchecked it will have the potential to cause health problems such as heart problems.

Read also

exercise to lose weigth  according to health expert 

But does all food makes you fat ?

Of course not, so that we don't misunderstand, let's find out first

What is food ?

Food is something that is consumed by every living creature and then absorbed by the body so that it becomes energy that allows it to carry out activities.

The word food used in each living creature is different.

When food for animal consumption is called "feed" and consumed by humans it is called "food". The food content needed by every living creature also needs to be considered, starting from the nutritional aspect to the cleanliness, it must be maintained, so that what is put into the body can be processed properly.

The most important thing in the food aspect and which has an impact on health is the nutrition in it, such as nutrients, carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins, minerals, water and fiber.

All of them are very influential, all of them are used by the body to maintain health or body balance, because each type has a different function.

Judging from the origin of food, food is divided into several groups, namely vegetable originating from plants such as vegetables, fruit, seeds and animal originating from animals such as meat, milk, eggs.

Of course, each food has different ingredients, not all food make you fat, but there are foods that are said to be daily food or used as substitute foods when you are in the process of losing weight.

Food makes you fat   

Here are some food sources that make you fat instantly.

This type of food is most often consumed by everyone.

1. Potatoes 

Potatoes are a common vegetable in housewives' kitchens. The content of potatoes is quite good, contains carbohydrates, sodium, protein, vitamin A, vitamin C, iron and vitamin B6, and does not contain fat or cholesterol so it is not uncommon to use it as a food when dieting.

There are quite a lot of potato lovers, because of the taste of the potato itself, coupled with the many creations that actually make processed potatoes more delicious to consume.

Potato preparations are always tempting, starting from preparations that are used as side dishes and light snacks. Because the taste that makes people addicted can make someone eat without control without feeling like they're finished, which actually makes potatoes, which were originally good, become food makes you fat.

2. Wheat flour

There is no need to question it anymore, flour has become a daily food, starting from diet foods or foods that can increase weight such as fried foods.

The process of wheat flour which comes from wheat endosperm and is finely ground into powder, is different from wheat flour which comes from whole wheat so it has a more textured result.

So the carbohydrate content in wheat flour can increase the body's blood sugar levels, thereby reducing insulin function. This insulin hormone has the function of helping the absorption of glucose in body cells so that blood sugar is more controlled.

For this reason, the high gluten content in wheat flour is a food that people often avoid to avoid becoming overweight.

3. Milk Drinks

That are usually consumed in the morning as a substitute for breakfast in the hope of losing weight. But choosing to consume milk to lose weight doesn't just make it taste good.

Milk, which is usually consumed in various flavors, can actually make you fat, because it contains ingredients that can be said to be the same as full cream milk.

Consuming milk is a pretty good habit and has many benefits for the body, but consuming too much milk is also not good, because full cream milk contains quite a lot of saturated fat so the body is at risk of excess saturated fat and the risk of heart disease.

Try to consume low-fat milk such as low fat and skim milk, with low sugar and calorie content. Use good drinking rules so that what is put into the body is not excessive.

4. Junkfood

The term junk food is fast food that is loved to be consumed by millennial and gen-z children, and has now become a daily food. But the content in it is high in calories, salt, sugar and calories, so this food should not be consumed in excess

It's the same with fast food, namely the term fast food is similar to junk food, being a type of food that makes you fat instantly. There are many negative impacts for junk food and fast food lovers or people who like to consume them, which can increase the risk of chronic diseases such as overweight, diabetes, heart disease and even stroke.

The circulation of information about negative impacts has no effect on fast food and junk food lovers, even though eating like this is quite a trigger for making you fat. There's nothing wrong with consuming it occasionally, as long as you don't get carried away and consume too much.

5. Sugar

It has become a staple ingredient in kitchen cooking. In the deliciousness of a housewife's cooking, whether salty or sweet food, there is definitely granulated sugar that plays a part in it.

Not only is it a flavoring, now granulated sugar is the main ingredient in various dishes.

The benefits of granulated sugar are quite numerous, apart from making food delicious, granulated sugar can also be a source of energy in the body, because the main source of human energy in the body is simple sugar or glucose.

Apart from that, sugar can also improve mood, because its content can make the body release serotonin, which is the serotonin hormone which functions to carry messages between cells in the brain, so it plays an important role in improving the mood for the better.

The many benefits that granulated sugar has, it cannot be denied that consuming granulated sugar should not be done carelessly. Consuming too much sugar can make your body's metabolism bad and can make you overweigth, get diabetes and other diseases.

Consuming granulated sugar for adults is around 200 calories, because the average energy requirement for adults is 2000 calories. From the calculations above, it is recommended that adults consume no more than 50 grams of granulated sugar, equal to four tablespoons per day.

Of course, this is different from the sugar limit for children over two years old, who are advised to consume less than 25 grams of sugar or six teaspoons per day. This is also different from children under two years of age who are better advised not to consume granulated sugar

6. Rice White 

rice has become a staple food in Asian countries, especially in Indonesia, which is used as a source of carbohydrates, and is usually served together with side dishes around it.   

The benefits of white rice are quite numerous, starting from maintaining healthy bones, nerves and muscles because white rice contains magnesium which helps enzyme reactions in enzyme reactions. 

Unlike brown rice, white rice does not contain sylphic acid compounds which are anti-nutrients which cause digestive problems, so rice is easily digested by the body. 

So it can be a source of energy White rice has various benefits in the body, but when consumed in excess there will be effects in the body. White rice, which contains carbohydrates, will increase blood sugar, which can trigger diabetes mellitus and become a food makes you fat. 

Consuming rice that is not balanced during the process of losing weight means consuming very little or too much, so over time the body will lack intake of other vitamins. The glucose contained in white rice is quite high.

If consumed excessively, it will interfere with insulin production and glucose metabolism in the body, thus make you fat. In essence, to maintain body weight, it is necessary to balance the body by paying attention to what food comes in and what comes out. When a lot is put in, there must be activities to get it out again, such as sports and so on.

Healthy and balanced food

The following are the criteria for healthy and nutritious food needed by the body

1. Carbohydrates  

Carbohydrates are what the body needs as a source of energy, which can be taken from various plants such as sweet potatoes, wheat, corn, cassava. You also need to pay attention because 60 percent of calorie intake can be classified as carbohydrates which can be a source of energy. So that there is no storage of excess energy sources that are not used, which make you fat because calories have accumulated.  

2. Fat 

Fat, which is usually said to be a bad thing, actually has a very important role in the body, because fat can be used when the body's energy reserves have run out. Where a person when consuming foods containing fat makes their body feel full more quickly and for a long time. 

But you have to pay attention to consuming foods that contain fat so that you don't overdo it and make you fat, because it is not entirely bad to consume foods that contain fat. Foods that contain fat are divided into two, saturated fat can be obtained from meat, coconut oil, milk, and unsaturated fat can be obtained from fish, avocado, nuts  

3. Proteins  

Protein that is absorbed in the body can become a building block to repair damaged body cells. Generally the human body requires 10-15% protein every day. And the protein content in food can be obtained from vegetable protein or animal protein. Protein that enters the body will be processed into amino acids which function to build muscles, body organs, and regulate hormone function.  

4. Minerals 

To form a good body metabolic process, minerals are needed that support the process to be more perfect. Minerals can be found in the soil which are digested by plants, so minerals can be taken from plant sources such as green vegetables and animals such as shrimp, turkey.  

5. Vitamins  

To maintain the body's immune system, various vitamins are needed, which contain different vitamins such as eye health (vitamin A), helping the body's metabolism (vitamin B), maintaining immunity (vitamin C), healthy bones (vitamin D), antioxidants (vitamin E), and blood clotting processes (vitamin K). But you need to pay attention to the presentation of food, because the cooking process can eliminate the vitamins contained in it.  

6. Water  

Water has a very important role in the human body, because 60% of the human body consists of water, so it is no surprise that many studies require a person to drink 44,448 glasses of water every day or the equivalent of two liters of drinking water.  

7. Fiber Foods  

that have high fiber content, such as whole grains and fruit, have benefits that are no less important, because these foods can reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, are also very good for the skin, and these foods are also good for helping reduce excess weight. That's a review of food makes you fat. 

 Read also tricks to lose weight from nutrional experts

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23 August 2023



Exercise for weight loss is the only option for those with health problems being overweight. Of course the hope is that by exercising, you can have an ideal body weight The main reason that makes ideal body weight important besides body health, is also the risk of developing diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, will decrease.

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21 August 2023


"blighted ovum"

Pregnant blighted ovum or empty pregnancy is certainly not unpleasant news for couples who are longing for the presence of the baby to set foot on this earth. In some cases, events like this often occur, and for expectant mothers the case of blighted ovum pregnancy is of course a pretty heavy blow.

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19 August 2023


"water birth method"

Childbirth is one of the phases in life that must be carefully prepared for a woman when she wants to assume the status of a mother. Ideally, prospective parents or expectant mothers who have entered the third trimester of pregnancy should think about and prepare for the birth process for their future baby.

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19 December 2019


CANCER TREATMENT Lately, celebrities for health treatment have been surprised by the presence of bajakah plant  that is claimed to be a cancer drug that is effective enough to  cancer treatment. 
After tracing, it is true that this pirated plant is the result of the discovery of three high school 2 students from Palangkaraya, Central Kalimantan.

However, is it true that the bajaka plant is a cancer drug?

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27 October 2017


"child genius" The legend of Albert Einstein's greatness never seemed to fade. Physicist world famous for his theory of relativity is so down to earth today.

Despite having died 61 years ago, or exactly April 18, 1955, in Princeton, New Jersey, America, but always the name is called and become an icon for people who succeeded in innovation, (brain Einstein).

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30 May 2017



It is said that the beauty is relative, I agree on this matter. But if asked, which nation in the world the average woman has a beautiful face? Spontaneous will immediately answer china. 
As beautiful as identical with clean white skin, smooth and super fast.

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05 November 2016


to lose weight body

Being slim is the dream of most of the women under the sky. As if that thing can not be at bargain-negotiable and a fixed price that needs to be fought.

So interested  want to slim, many ways been and done to lose weight in order to look stunning with fantastic slender body.
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26 July 2016


smell fart
Perhaps you have experienced it, when it is in an enclosed area such as elevators, people beside you suddenly sounds familiar heard, what else if not fart. Would be a problem if it smelled a fart issued for mercy, profanity is definitely going to fly without mercy to the source of the air pollution.
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27 June 2016


Doing selfie today has become a kind of culture that often do. Because, not only being sex women who like the boisterous action selfie, a man turned out so well. 
One thing that clings to limit my awareness of where and who is doing this selfie first time in the world. Can anyone explain in detail the history of this selfie?
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10 December 2011


For every woman who has been legally baliq  adult would have had marked menstrual bleeding due entirely to the mucous membrane of the uterus, this is a natural process that is always repeated in the cycle. Menstruation is often followed by symptoms of lower abdominal pain, sore waist, pain throughout the body, lethargy, nausea, sometimes vomiting. These symptoms usually appear on the first or second day of menstruation.
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Partus Ambein or hemoroids is a medical disorder that attacks on the gastrointestinal (colon, rectum) which in showed  be feeling pain in the anus when sitting too long or at the time of defecation.  

Other features of this health disorder is the appearance of lump around the anus or blood discharge during bowel movements. Many factorsled to the emergence of these health problems are:

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20 June 2011


SICK EAR ON THE FLIGHT how it feels when it was in the space. Well, what if while riding in an airplane we even feel uncomfortable because our ears and head hurt to even taste like heads going to explode?
Is this situation normal?
This situation is called Occlusion Tubal or obstruction in the fallopian tubes in the ears. Tuba eustachius / Eusthacian tube is a channel that starts from the middle ear and ended up behind the base of the nose or throat area. This channel serves to balance the air pressure in the middle ear and outside air pressure. 
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This is good news for the netters and bloggers in general as well as for the elderly because by accessing the internet, we can not only find information but to surf in this virtual world, can help to improve and train health with brain function. 
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A lot of people who have complaints of health problems, ie bad breath odor (Halitosis), bad breath is usually caused by a disturbance in the oral cavity, nasal cavity or in the throat. If the interference is not eliminated bad breath resulting course was not going to go away. 

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19 June 2011


FORMALIN EFFECT for human health
Almost every day we are all treated to a chaotic chaotic formalin food that is suppose to give effect to the onset of cancer problems and other health hazards. In order not confusing let us discuss with friends, formalin is actually the name of the chemical substance consisting of a mixture of formaldehyde, methanol and water, so it is often used as a preservative corpse.

But lately the use of formalin is used as food preservatives such as fish meat and the result will be preserved meat or fish did survive for a long time due to the ability of formaldehyde that can kill microbes or germs germs small role in the process of decay.

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