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"blighted ovum"

Pregnant blighted ovum or empty pregnancy is certainly not unpleasant news for couples who are longing for the presence of the baby to set foot on this earth. In some cases, events like this often occur, and for expectant mothers the case of blighted ovum pregnancy is of course a pretty heavy blow.

Therefore, it is important for expectant mothers and expectant fathers to find out information about blighted ovum pregnancies.

We will soon find out a number of ways that can be done to prevent blighted ovum or recurrent BO pregnancy, in the following review.

Definition of Pregnant BO (Blighted Ovum)

Pregnant BO is a term for those who experience pregnancy which is said in medical literacy as blighted ovum.

Some people also call it a BO pregnancy or empty pregnancy. Quoting from the site, pregnant BO or blighted ovum is a case of pregnancy that occurs without an embryo in the uterus of the prospective mother.

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In the world of health, this case is also called anembryonic gestation. BO pregnancy is also one of the causes of miscarriage which is quite high in the first trimester. In the case of this kind of blighted ovum, the egg and sperm continue to meet and produce fertilization. In fact, in this case, the egg that has been fertilized by the sperm does not develop into a fetal embryo. And the case of blighted ovum pregnancy is only discovered when the expectant mother does an ultrasound examination.

Characteristics of an Empty Pregnancy (Blighted Ovum)

In cases of blighted ovum (BO) pregnancy, generally a woman will experience the same symptoms and characteristics as a woman who is pregnant.

This makes it difficult for many women to tell the difference, because the characteristics of a normal pregnancy are:

1. Late menstruation

2. The sign on the testpack shows a positive pregnancy result

3. Nausea and vomiting (morning sickness)

4. Pain and swelling in the breast

However, after experiencing these normal pregnancy-like characteristics, women with blighted ovum pregnant cases will experience the next phase with the following characteristics:

1. Spots or bleeding from the vagina appear

2. Cramps and severe pain in the abdomen

3. The volume of blood coming out of the vagina continues to increase day by day

Even though they have certain characteristics, women who experience blighted ovum (BO) pregnancy sometimes still get positive pregnancy results on the testpack when spots or bleeding appear.

This could be due to levels of the hormone hCG or human chorionic gonadotropin which are still high enough in the body so that the testpack still shows positive results for pregnancy even though the embryo in the womb is not developing.

When the pregnancy reaches the age of 8 to 13 weeks and the volume of bleeding experienced increases, then a miscarriage occurs in cases of blighted ovum (BO) pregnancy.

Factors Causing Blighted Ovum (BO) 

Until now, there are no research results that can tell the exact cause of this case of blighted ovum pregnancy or empty pregnancy. However, experts admit that generally these health problems are caused by chromosomal abnormalities that occur in a woman's egg cells.

These chromosomal abnormalities make cell division imperfect so that fertilization does not produce embryos and the development of pregnancy stops.

This process opens the cervix and removes the undeveloped gestational sac in the uterus.With a curettage, the doctor can also check the cause of miscarriage by examining the tissue that was removed. 

Even though it sounds horror and scary, the curette process and healing can take not too long so you can get back to preparing for pregnancy after the next few month. In addition, there are several things that can increase theoccurrence of this blighted ovum pregnancy, for example the quality of sperm and egg cells that are not good or mediocre.

Genetic or hereditary factors from prospective mothers and prospective fathers can also increase the risk of getting pregnant with blighted ovum.

It can also get worse if the father and mother are still related by blood or have a fairly close family.

BO Pregnancy Treatment Actions

If symptoms such as bleeding start to occur or the doctor has stated if the pregnancy you are living is a blighted ovum (BO pregnancy) or an empty pregnancy, then treatment is necessary.

This action is necessary so that the mother's uterus can be clean again and she is ready to return to planning her next pregnancy. There are several methods of treatment action to choose from if you experience this.

1. Doing Curette

The curettage or curettage method is one of the treatments that is usually chosen by women who experience blighted ovum or are pregnant with BO.

2. Use Drugs

Another alternative that can be chosen when a mother experiences an empty pregnancy is to use drugs that have been prescribed by a doctor. 

As with curettes, treatment in this way will also still make you experience bleeding and even trigger cramps or pain in the abdomen.

3. Allowing Natural Fall

In some cases, doctors usually advise letting the undeveloped uterus fall naturally. Generally, this process takes several weeks for the mother to naturally miscarry. You just need to wait for the bleeding to occur naturally until the process goes away on its own. 

Even though it is enough to let it fall off naturally, keep in mind that this method must also be carried out under the supervision of a doctor or professional staff.

Make sure you continue to consult with your doctor during this natural miscarriage process.

How to Prevent Blighted Ovum

There are quite a number of cases of blighted ovum (BO) pregnancies that have occurred, of course, making expectant mothers worry, especially for those who are preparing for pregnancy or are just entering early gestation.

This empty pregnancy can indeed happen to anyone and there is no sure way to prevent this case from happening. 

Even so, there are some tips that prospective parents can do when they want to prepare for pregnancy to prevent blighted ovum or pregnant BO.

Quoting from, Doctor Nadia Nurotul Fuadan and Doctor Vita Rahayu provided several tips to reduce the risk of getting pregnant with blighted ovum.   

Here are some tips!

1. Conduct Routine Checks

Not only to anticipate the occurrence of blighted ovum or pregnant BO, carrying out routine checks is one of the mandatory things that needs to be done by pregnant women, even for expectant mothers who are just planning their pregnancy.

By checking with your obstetrician, you and your partner can find out about your health conditions and other risks that you might experience during pregnancy. If you have had a history of pregnant blighted ovum (BO pregnant) before, the examinations carried out must be more intense.

This examination is also important when you find out if you are pregnant.

It is better if you immediately check the condition of the womb after experiencing early symptoms of pregnancy. The faster the examination is carried out, the quicker you can find out the condition of the womb.

The doctor can immediately provide action or treatment if there are indications that lead to a blighted ovum (BO pregnancy) or other dangerous conditions.

2. Consuming healthy food

Before preparing for pregnancy, make sure you and your partner have started consuming healthy and nutritious food to prepare your body for pregnancy.

Instead, avoid foods that are high in fat or high in sugar content. Also try to avoid consuming too many drinks containing caffeine, alcohol, or soda.

It is better for you to replace these drinks by consuming at least 2 liters of water every day. Healthy foods that are recommended by experts to be consumed to avoid blighted ovum (pregnant BO) such as foods that are rich in anti-oxidants, such as green vegetables, fruits, seeds, to fish oil.

Apart from that, you should also avoid consuming instant foods or those that contain preservatives or herbs that are not recommended by professional health workers.

3. Consume vitamins

Preparation for pregnancy should be planned carefully enough even before the pregnancy occurs.

For expectant mothers, doctors advise to start taking prenatal vitamins regularly for several months before planning a pregnancy.

One of the safest prenatal vitamins to consume is folic acid. Folic acid has very good benefits for expectant mothers who are carrying out pregnancy programs. Folic acid can help to increase fertility, help the growth and development of the fetus, to reduce the occurrence of miscarriages or other problems during pregnancy.

4. Rest and exercise regularly

In addition to consuming vitamins and healthy foods, prospective parents must also pay attention to their sleep and rest patterns so they can prevent blighted ovum (BO pregnant) or other pregnancy problems.

If you start planning a pregnancy program, you should avoid staying up too often and make sure your body gets enough rest. Ideally, you should have 7 to 8 hours of sleep every day.

In addition to adequate rest, try to start exercising regularly to improve body health. You don't need to do sports that are too heavy, but make sure these sports activities are done regularly and regularly.

5. Managing Stress

For most expectant mothers, dealing with pregnancy can be something that triggers excessive stress. Methods of treatment, as well as some tips that can be practiced

Hormonal changes that occur to problems with morning sickness such as severe nausea and vomiting experienced by mothers in early pregnancy are prone to affect the mind to cause stress.

However, you should try to manage the stress you are experiencing so that your pregnancy can stay healthy and prevent the risk of blighted ovum (BO pregnancy).

Even though it's not easy, try and make it a habit to always instill positive thoughts about the pregnancy you are undergoing. By managing stress, you can become calmer and will affect the health condition of the mother and her future baby.


That's an explanation of pregnant BO or blighted ovum along with its characteristics and causes.

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