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"islamic teaching"

Islamic teachings have a very broad spectrum, all of which have been conveyed in the Al-Quran and exemplified in the practice of daily life by the Prophet Muhammad SAW.

Maybe you are a new convert who believes that Islamic teachings are true, your level of knowledge is still very low so you need to learn more.
The contents of this article will attempt to present information regarding the main points of Islamic teachings based on the arguments in the Al-Quran and the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad SAW.

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Contents of the holy book Al-Quran

In general, Islamic teachings in the Koran not only regulate how to worship the Creator but also contain:

1. Commands, prohibitions for humans,
2. Various modern knowledge now and in the future,
3. Stories of the lives of prophets in the past
4. What will life be like in the afterlife when you are in hell and in heaven?

Of course, as a Muslim, the breadth of the contents of the Al-Quran is broad and must be studied slowly.

The reason is, we have been given common sense by Allah SWT as capital for learning.

When we know what the commands and prohibitions are from Allah SWT to humans, it becomes a guide for humans to follow the straight path to reach Heaven.

If you don't want to follow these guidelines, you are guaranteed to end up in hell.

Even regarding modern knowledge, if you know what modern knowledge in the Koran is, whether it has been proven or not in the present, it will increase your belief that Allah exists and is the source of all knowledge.

Likewise, the stories of the lives of past prophets, if we know their past lives, we will have a clear picture of what commands Allah gave to the prophets at that time, what punishments Allah SWT gave to people who opposed the teachings conveyed by the prophets.

That way, we will not repeat the bitter events of the past and will then obediently and obediently follow the commands and prohibitions in the Koran.

Regarding the story of the afterlife, although it is difficult to prove the truth of heaven and hell scientifically, based on common sense logic related to modern knowledge in the Koran which has been proven to be true, we will be sure that eternal life in the next period after death will definitely happen.

The main teachings of Islam
Considering the breadth of information in the al-quran as stated earlier. As Muslims or new Muslims (converts), Islamic teachings emphasize that we as humans must always:

1. Seek knowledge

There are many verses in the Al-quran that talk about seeking knowledge, of course the reason is because all humans have been given common sense that can be used to think.

Through this common sense, humans can learn all things and then develop them into knowledge that can bring benefits to human life on earth.

Albert Einstein, a famous physicist, said that science without religion is blind, religion without science is lame. Here he has the view that science and religion need to go together.

Allah SWT certainly wants His human creation, after having this knowledge, not to become arrogant but to become more obedient and obedient to Him. Furthermore, humans will be aware of the greatness of the creator of the universe even though he is not visible.

There are many surahs in the Al-Quran that talk about seeking knowledge, for example Surah Al-Mujjadi verse 11,

O you who believe, if it is said to you: "Make space in the assembly", then be spacious and Allah will make space for you. And when it is said: "Stand up", then stand up, surely Allah will raise those who believe among you and those who have been given knowledge by several degrees. And Allah is All-Knowing of what you do.

Surah Al Alaq verses 1-5,

Read it in (mentioning) the name of your God Who Created. He created man from a clot of blood. Read, and your Lord is the Most Merciful, Who teaches (humans) by means of qalam. He taught man what he did not know.

Surah Al Ankabut verse 43,

And these parables We made for mankind; and no one understands it except those who have knowledge. Likewise, in several authentic hadiths, the Prophet Muhammad SAW has conveyed the matter of seeking knowledge, for example

a. HR. Muslim

Whoever takes the path of seeking knowledge, Allah will make his path to heaven easy

b. HR Ibn Majah number 224

Seeking knowledge is obligatory on all Muslims.

2. Patience

Being patient is one of the main teachings of Islam where every Muslim needs to have this patient characteristic. Allah emphasizes this matter of patience in Al Baqarah verse 153 "Indeed Allah is with those who are patient" so pray at the right time and don't rush.

Even in Al Baqarah verse 45, Allah SWT commands the same thing,

"Make patience and prayer your helpers And verily, this is truly difficult, except for those who are humble."

Why should every Muslim have this patience?

Because, Allah has given a signal to us humans through His revelation in Surah Al Baqarah: 155-157 that

“And indeed We will give you trials, with a little fear, hunger, lack of wealth, souls and fruits.

and give good news to those who are patient. (namely) people who, when a disaster strikes them, say: "Inna lillaahi wa innaa ilaihi raaji'uun". They are the ones who receive perfect blessings and mercy from their Lord and they are the ones who are guided.

So every Muslim will be tested in whatever form, because this is a form of love and God's way of loving humans.
Who is patient in undergoing all the tests that Allah gives in this life then heaven will be the reward.

3. Love all of God's creation

Islam is a religion of rahmatan lil alamin or giving mercy to the whole world. What this means is that Allah SWT not only gives grace to humans, but plants and animals are among those who are given grace.

These Islamic teachings certainly provide guidance to Muslims to always do good to all of Allah SWT's creation, do not cause damage because it will be far from Allah's mercy.

Surah Al A'raf verse 56:

And do not cause damage on the face of the earth, after (Allah) has repaired it and pray to Him with fear (it will not be accepted) and hope (it will be granted). Indeed, Allah's mercy is very close to those who do good."

In an authentic hadith of Tirmidhi number 2049, the Prophet Muhammad SAW said "Those who love will be loved by Ar-Rahman, be affectionate to anyone on earth, surely those in the sky will love you.

Even ants, as the smallest animals, must be loved, don't spray them with baygon because they might nest in our homes. Moreover, fellow humans as creatures created by Him, we should love each other more

a. Don't criticize or curse
b. Don't talk bad about it
c. Help each other when there is trouble
d. Speak softly
e. Mutual respect and appreciation
f. Don't be prejudiced

In this section I want to emphasize that if there is a view outside that Islamic teachings are synonymous with violence and terrorism then that is a wrong opinion. On the contrary, the teachings are full of love.

The occurrence of bombings everywhere is not a teaching of Islam, it is only an individual and it is published through the media as an Islamic teaching.

4. Believe in all creation and the commands of Allah SWT

This fourth Islamic teaching is the foundation of the Muslim faith which is termed the pillars of Islam and the pillars of faith.

The pillars of faith include

a. Believe in the existence of God, the creator of the universe
b. Believe in the existence of angels
c. Believe in the existence of various holy books that Allah has revealed
d. Believe in the existence of various messengers of God, namely the prophets.
e. Believe that the doomsday will come

The pillars of Islam consist of:

a. Say the shahada when you want to embrace Islam
b. Pray five times a day
c. Pay zakat 2.5%
d. Fasting in the holy month of Ramadan
e. Make a pilgrimage to the city of Mecca if you are financially and physically able.

This is the essence of Islamic teachings as guidance that directs everyone's life in order to get to heaven as Allah SWT has promised.

Read also  Miracle Al-Quran: Proven modern science in the quran


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