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holy spirit
The holy spirit is a Christian belief that cannot be denied and is an important part of the doctrine of the trinity. Some Christians have the opinion that the holy spirit represents the power of God and is within Jesus Christ.  
Some other opinions hold the opposite opinion, the holy spirit is God himself in human form. But that's just a personal opinion, this review will look at a number of views on the holy spirit in 3 religious teachings.  Come on, let's take a look
Views on the Holy Spirit 
The term holy spirit is not only used by Christians, but is also found in the teachings of two other divine religions, namely Judaism and Islam. Interestingly, the term is placed in different understandings, so which one is correct ?  
Before guiding our thoughts to the central topic of the views of the three heavenly religions regarding the holy spirit, it is necessary to equalize our views on the term spirit itself. 
The term Spirit actually comes from the Arabic root word "ruch", translated into Hebrew as ruach and in Greek pneuma which means wind, breath of life, breath, life, soul, spirit. 
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Quoted from Abineno's book entitled The Holy Spirit and His Work (published in 1982), in short it is said that "ruach" and "pneuma", are air movements caused by "breath", or in a figurative sense, namely life and spirit. 
In the beliefs of adherents of Jewish Judaism, there are spirits within humans, namely evil spirits, lies, darkness, and the spirit of truth (Holy Spirit). These two types of spirits have existed since humans were born. 
So the spirit is a special gift that has been given to humans from the human creator himself. Now the adjective holy emphasizes, because it comes from the creator, it is termed holy or most holy.  
Reporting from the page https://www-bridgesforpeace-com in the title of the article holy spirit and Israel, it is explained that the term holy spirit only appears three times in the book of the tanakh, namely twice in Isaiah and only once in the book of psalms.  
In summary in the same article, the Israelites understood that the holy spirit was an instrument from God to do His work. The point here is that the holy spirit is not God but is nothing more than a tool that helps God's work to do all things. 
In contrast to Christians who carry the doctrine of the trinity or trinity as the foundation of their faith, the holy spirit is considered to be God himself who is inherent and exists in Jesus Christ.  
The position of Jesus is considered as the incarnation of God himself in human form because Mary, Jesus' mother, gave birth without the intervention of men but rather God the creator. 
There are many verses in the Bible scattered around, especially from the New Testament, which guide the thinking of Christians to believe that the holy spirit is God himself. For example, the Gospel of Luke 1: 35, the Gospel of Matthew 4:1, the Gospel of John 4:26.  
As a result of the Christian view like this, it can be interpreted that when Mother Mary was pregnant, God automatically slipped into her womb so that she could be born in the form of a human named Jesus. 
Is it true that an all-powerful God who is all-powerful needs to do something like that, disguise himself through the womb to change his form from holy spirit to human? 
In fact, God has power over everything, such as creating the universe, and is free to do whatever he wants without depending on anything, including entering Mary's womb.  
For Muslims, there is another story about this holy spirit and it is clearly visible in the 5 surahs in the Koran. For example, the contents of Surah Maryam verse 17. Which means: Then he put up a veil (which protected him) from them, then We sent Our spirit (Jibril) to him, then he appeared before him in perfect human form. 
The main point in Islamic teachings is that the status of the holy spirit is in the form of the angel Gabriel whose mission is to carry messages from Allah SWT to his created people. 
The true holy spirit  
Examining the 3 different views of heavenly religions regarding the holy spirit, then as sane human beings who have common sense, of course we will think, which of the 3 views is correct. 
It is impossible for everything to be true, there must be one correct opinion or belief. If we trace the history of the books of each divine religion, it can be confirmed that beliefs about the holy spirit in Judaic and Islamic teachings are exactly the same.
Both teachings come from the messenger prophets, namely the prophets Moses and the prophet Muhammad, whereas in Christian teachings, opinions about the holy spirit originate from human interpretation alone. 
Finally, it can be concluded that the holy spirit is actually a bridge between the creator God and his created creatures as per Judaic and Islamic teachings. 
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