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23 November 2023


JESUS IS NOT GODBefore reading this post about Jesus not being God, it's a good idea to reflect a little on the differences between humans and animals. The only difference is in the mind, humans are gifted with the mind as a place to process a number of information so that they can distinguish between right and wrong.  

As for animals, it is clear that even small children know that God the Creator has not given them reason, so they do not need education because their behavior does not have the slightest etiquette. 

What about faith in your heart?  

Belief can be present in the human heart, because information enters the human mind and is considered to contain the truth. However, regarding religion for the supernatural, belief can come from doctrine in its holy books and is still difficult to actually prove. 

For example, whether there is a belief in heaven or hell, no human being has ever visited those two places, then returned to earth.  

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So, to prove information is still impossible, the only way is to look at other information that is equivalent. If in the past the information conveyed was considered superstition, then nowadays it can be proven to be true, so the question of whether there is heaven and hell is treated similarly, and the truth is accepted.  

Back to the main theme of this post, Jesus is not God is the general claim of Muslims throughout the world. The reason is that this information was conveyed 1400 years ago through 6 letters in the quran. One of them is in the letter Az Zuhkruf verse 59 "And (Isa) was nothing but a servant to whom We had given the gift (prophecy) and We made him an example for the Children of Israel." 

This explanation of the Koran that Jesus is not God certainly cannot be swallowed raw by Christians, like swallowing dumplings the size of their mouths, the reason is because they do not believe in the Koran as a revelation from the creator God. 

If so, what if Jesus, not God, appears in the Bible itself, would you still not believe it ?  

The statement that Jesus himself was not God 

In various debate forums across Muslim and Christian religions, even though there is some evidence in the Bible that Jesus is not a god, Christians still have other excuses for claiming that Jesus is a god, for example the Gospel of John verse 1:1. 

OK, let's first go into the Bible's teachings about Jesus not being God, the creator of the earth and sky.  

1. Gospel of John, 12:49  

For I did not speak of My own will but the Father sent Me, He commanded Me what I should say and convey.  

Because My teaching does not come from Me, but from the Father who sent Me. It was He who gave Me the task of conveying this teaching If the channels of thought and sanity were not blocked, the contents of this Bible would be enough to confirm that Jesus was only a messenger. 

2. Gospel of Matthew, 19:17  

"Why do you ask Me about what is good? Only One thing is good. But if you want to enter life, obey all God's commandments." This verse is what Jesus himself said, that there are God's commands that must be obeyed. Of course, when Jesus said this, it was clear that Jesus was not God. 

It is impossible at the same time that Jesus would speak in his position as 100% human and 100% god.  

3. Gospel of John, 8:17-18  

Verse 17: And in your Torah it is written that the testimony of two people is valid;  

Verse 18: I am the one who testifies about Myself, and also the Father, who sent Me, testifies about Me."  

This verse is very clear, explaining that Jesus is not God because it clearly tells of the existence of 2 different persons. This is also a refutation of the most special verse for Christians, John 1 verse 1, that "In the beginning was the Word; the Word was with God and the Word was God". 

History of Jesus becoming God 

If you put aside the blind belief that Jesus is God and use your sanity to trace the history of Jesus becoming God, we will arrive at the Council of Nicea in 325 AD. There is a curse among Christians "who believes that Jesus was crowned god at the Council of Nicea, is stupid". 

This is truly a statement of poor knowledge of Christian history, his brain is completely empty, only filled with heretical speculation, his soul is filled with the spirit of darkness. 

Please read the history of the various councils held since the first century, it should not be assumed that they never happened. It is clear that in various scientific literature, Christian theologians themselves describe the long history of the reasons for the emergence of the council, including clashes of opinion between supporters who say that Jesus is not a god and supporters who say that Jesus is a god.  

In short, the history of Jesus becoming a god was due to the intervention of King Constantine by forcing him to sign a creed, containing a statement recognizing that Jesus was equal to God.

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