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"miracles of quran"
Since the revelation of the holy book of the quran 1400 years ago, many veils of modern knowledge have been successfully revealed by world-class thinkers.
This is one of the miracles of the quran that is no doubt and is enough to provide proof of the truth of the contents of the quran.
I know quite well, although the truth can be proven through the approach of modern science, but there are still people out there who are hesitant or even criticize blindly.

Departing from this condition, then in this post, the construction of the intended miracle of quran will be built in the lens of human logic.

Why ?
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The reason is, because as a perfect being and created by God, logic is an expression of human thought, sanity and common sense which is an important clue and a measure that the person is not stupid or stupid.
Content of the holy quran
Broadly speaking, the contents of the Koran consists of 30 chapters sorted into 114 letters and 6236 verses. The contents of this 6236 verse are very diverse in instructions or signs from the creator (Allah SWT) to humans, which I may summarize into 4 major parts
1. Sign or clue about the universe
2. Signs or instructions about humans
3. Signs or instructions about science and technology
4. Signs or instructions about the end
As per the title of this article, if we are careful enough we pay attention to the contents of the quran, from the four major sections of the sign or clue, no less than 763 verses intersect or intersect with questions of modern science.
There are clues or signs that are revealed by Allah SWT clearly to humans but there are also instructions that are given in a vague form, so that it still requires a process of thinking that is hard enough to solve the mystery of the signs of God.
Well, until the 20th century, it turns out the signs or instructions given by Allah SWT 1,400 years ago or in the era of the 6th century, it has been proven by many experts from various disciplines.
If traced in the history of the birth of the religion of Islam, the era of the 6th century BC, the time when the Prophet Muhammad was still alive, the condition of the period was quite severe called the jahiliyah period (the backward period and extraordinary ignorance of the people at that time) so it was very impossible signs or the instructions contained in the contents of the al-quran came from humans who lived at that time.
One more thing, the Prophet Muhammad SAW himself was known not to be good at reading and writing, so how could his own hand compose verses in the holy quran.
Even world-class thinkers, Albert Einstein, once said that science without religion would be blind and religion without science would be paralyzed. 
So why not, science and religion, on this occasion, we will juxtapose together to find a true truth.
Mystery number 19 in the al-quran 
it passes above the earth every 76 years. The number 76 can be obtained with 19.
Furthermore, based on the Naegelee formula calculation approach the normal length of human pregnancy is 38 weeks or 266 days. These 2 numbers can also be divisible by 19.
Are these three proofs merely a coincidence, what man on this earth who is so perfect can do it like that. So what is said in Surah Al-Jinn verse 28 and Surah Maryam verse 94 as above, is a miracle of the Quran.
Miracles of Modern Science in the Holy Quran
Many sources of knowledge are scattered out there that we can consume, especially with the development of the technological world at this time, all information can be obtained in one hand only.

But not many people know that modern science that developed and was discovered in the 20th century by experts has been mentioned in the Koran since the 6th or 1400 years ago.

What are they ? 
1. Orbits of the sun and moon

In 1609, German scientist Yohannus Keppler declared his discovery through the theory of Astronomia Nova. The contents of this theory are that planets in the universe revolve around the sun through their respective orbital lines. At the same time the planets rotate themselves.

What was explained by Keppler, apparently already in the Qur'an surah al-Anbiya verse 30 which reads and it was He who created night and day, sun and moon. Each circulates on the path.

2. Human processes are created

An expert in anatomy and embryology with a stack of Prof. Dr. Keith L. Moore Msc, PhD, FIAC, FSRM, FAAA from Canada discovered in 1989 that in the process of human creation after fertilization, the embryo before developing formed a blood clot attached to the uterine wall. Blood clots that stick to it after a careful examination, it looks like a leech.

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This important event, it turns out it has been explained in the Qur'an 1400 years ago through the Surah Al-Mu'minun verses 12-14 reads "Then We made the semen a blood clot, then a blood clot We made a lump of meat, and a lump of flesh We make bones, then we wrap them with flesh, then we make him another (shaped) creature, then Allah is the Most Glorious Creator.

In this letter al-muminun, blood clots are called in Arabic, alaq or alaqah which means something that is attached or attached. Here, it is quite fitting that the leech-like shape discovered by Keith Mooere in his research turned out to be a blood clot attached. This miraculous quran.

3. Creation of earth and sky

A physics scientist from the Belgian country named George Lemaitre introduced the big bang theory in 1949. The scientist said that about 13.7 billion years ago, the universe was formed from a large explosion of one single point. Planet Earth, where humans lived and the sky came into being.

An important point in the process of creating the earth and sky from the results of this study is that both come from a single point separated from the explosion.

The information about that, apparently already exists in the contents of the Holy Quran through Surah al Anibiyaa verse 30 which reads And whether the disbelievers do not know that the heavens and the earth were both fused together, then We separate between the two; and We make everything that lives comes from water; then why don't they believe ?

4. Ants Can Talk

University of Oxford scientist Professor Jeremy Thomas, through a science magazine in 2009, revealed the results of his research study about ants talking.

John L. Capinera in his book Encyclopedia of Entomology also has confirmed that there are 4 kinds of chemical compounds released by ants when talking.

Ant events can talk, the 6th century ago already existed in the contents of the quran in the letter An Naml verse 18 which reads Until when they arrived at the ant valley, said an ant, O ants! Enter your nests, so that you will not be trampled on by Solomon and his troops, while they are unaware.

5. Life starts from water

A group of scientists from Cambridge, England, through the journal Nature chemistry explained that the beginning of the life of the planet on earth starting from water, creatures on land are part of the process of adaptation of living things.

Surah Al Anbiya verse 30 in the Qur'an also gave this information 1400 years ago, reads And We made it from the water of all living things, do they believe?

6. Lying crown

Marieb and Valerie's research results which have been released in his book entitled Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology explained that the fontaneln is the prefrontal located on the front of the human skull that contains a large brain or celebrum.

This cerebrum has a function to produce, give encouragement, and start a good or bad behavior, including right speech and lies.

How about information from the Holy Quran about this ?

It turns out that this was not spared also explained in the quran 1400 years ago, through the Al-Alaq verses verses 15-16, which read Know, truly if he does not stop (doing so) we undoubtedly pull the crown, (ie) the crown. people who lie again ungodly.

This is a small part of the miracles of the quran that have been proven in this millennial era, and there is no doubt the truth that the contents of the quran was directly spoken by Allah SWT to the prophet Muhammad.

There are many more scientific evidences of modern science that were found successfully by experts who are very in agreement and do not collide with what was preached in the Qur'an 1400 years ago. Such as:

1. The process of forming fingerprints
2. The formation of microorganisms
3. The process of rain 4. Human DNA
5. Iron making
6. Mathematics, etc.

If I explain one by one in this post, it really will never be sorted out and complete this article. I always pray, I hope that those of you who are non-Muslims get guidance from Allah SWT after reading this article. Amen

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