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be gratefull We often forget to be grateful for the blessings that the blessed God, such as drinking water, rice we eat, air we breathe, the house we live in, our eyes. 

On other side by having an attitude of gratitude we will get more blessings, and the magic of gratitude, it it's like that in telling Lee Brower in the book The Secret:

I think every person passed  times when they say "Things are not going well or things are going badly". One time, when there are problems in my family, I found a stone, and I just sat .
 i am take the stone it, disclose in the pocket, and said: "Every time I touch this rock I will thingking something which I'm grateful, so every  morning upon awakening, I taken  from the drawer, put down  in the pocket, and I think of things that  i am grateful in the night day, what do I do? 

I emptied the contents pocket.and  was no longer there. I have had experiences with the idea ini. Someone  wonderful  man from South Africa to see my dropped . he say "What's that? 

I explained to him, and he began to call it rock grateful. two week  later I got an e-mail from him, from South Africa . And he said, "My son is dying because of a rare disease inflammatory disease heart. Are you reaady   send me three gratitude rocks?" Actually it is a common stone that I found on the streets, so I said "Absolutely"

I must ensure that these stones are very special, so I went to the river, took three stone right, and sending to  him. Four or five months later, I got an e-mail again from him. 

he said "My son improved, its progress  very rapidly." And he continued, "But you need to know something. we has sold more than a thousand stones each with a price of ten dollars as the stone of gratitude, and we collect this money funds social. accepted fatherly love so much." So it's important to possess an "attitude of gratitude"

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