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"jesus is the savior"

Jesus the Savior is a church doctrine that is always presented at every service of Christian adherents. Savior can also be interpreted as a person who is given the task of saving, of course the person meant to carry out the rescue mission in Christian teachings is Jesus Christ.

Logically speaking, it is certainly a bit strange that a human being can save humans from going to the afterlife. Therefore, in this article we will explore the truth of the doctrine of Jesus the Savior scientifically, is it true that Jesus is the Savior of all mankind if you believe in him ?

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The emergence of the term Jesus the Savior is closely related to the doctrine that every human being born has sin. Whether they are women, men, old, young, rich, poor, everyone has sin (see Romans 3:23).

This sin originates from the actions of Adam and Eve when they violated what the Creator prohibited, resulting in both of them being expelled from heaven. Because of their actions, their human descendants are automatically considered to bear the sins they committed in heaven.

For this reason, every human being needs salvation to escape the bondage of the eternal sins of the past.

Sin can only be erased by the father in the kingdom of heaven as the owner of the power over human life and death. For this reason, because the process of Jesus' birth was without human intervention but because of the cause of God's word, the doctrine of the trinity emerged (John 1:1).

In essence, Jesus considers himself to be the embodiment of the father in heaven in human form who came down to earth to save humanity. Finally, the term Jesus the Savior emerged until today. Whoever believes that Jesus is God will be saved and even guaranteed entry to heaven.

His death on the cross is proof of Jesus' love for humans so that he was willing to sacrifice himself to atone for all human sins. Regarding this incident, those who believe that it is true that Jesus was crucified will have confidence that Jesus Christ is indeed the Savior.

But those who do not believe that Jesus was crucified will have the opposite opinion. If it is true that Jesus is the savior, unfortunately this does not apply to all mankind. Jesus himself confirmed this in several verses in the Gospels such as:
  1. Gospel of Matthew 15:24 "I was sent only to the lost sheep of the people of Israel.
  2. Gospel of Matthew 10:5-6: "Do not stray into the path of the Gentiles or enter the city of the Samaritans, but go to the lost sheep of the People of Israel."
  3.  Gospel of John 20:21, "As the Father sent me, so now I send you."

However, based on information from several verses in the Bible, Christians always refuse to say that Jesus was sent only to the Children of Israel. The reason is that the proposition of the Gospel of Matthew 15:24 must be seen from its context starting from Matthew 15:20 to Matthew 15:28.

But if that is used as a reason for rejection, the context still depicts Jesus as only being sent to the lost sheep of the Children of Israel, not to all nations. Apart from Jesus being the sheep of Israel, the most important thing is that there is not a single verse in the Bible that says Jesus is the savior.

This is just an assumption, because several other verses in the Bible actually say the opposite.

As the Gospel of Matthew 5:20 says, if your religion is not more correct than the Jews, then you will not enter heaven. The question is, what religion were the 12 disciples of Jesus?

because it is impossible to be Christian. The history of Jesus being lifted into heaven occurred in 33 AD, while Christianity only existed in 95 AD (Acts 11:26). So when Jesus said something like in Matthew 5:20, what religion was actually meant?

It turns out in the gospel of John 14:27 Peace I leave with you, peace I give to you; not as the world gives, that is what I give you. Don't let your heart be anxious or afraid. Literally speaking, the Gospel of John has no answer, but if you refer to the original language the Bible was written in in the Codex Sinaiticus document, namely Greek, the meaning will be different.

Original language:

ειρηνην αφιημι ϋμιν · ειρηνην τη εμην διδωμι ϋμι · ου καθωϲ ο κοϲμοϲ διδωϲι ν ϋμιν εγω διδωμι υμιν · μη ταραϲϲεϲθω υμω η καρδια · μηδε διλιατω ·

The translation

Assalamu'alaikum, Assalamu'alaikum; Assalamualaikum; do not sit, I peace be with you; do not let your heart be troubled; So, from this translation it is clear that the religion of the 12 disciples of Jesus was actually Islam, because only Muslims say assalamu'alaikum (peace).

So the Gospel of Matthew 5:20 can deny that the doctrine of Jesus the Savior is wrong. There is no guarantee at all of going to heaven, in fact Jesus said his religion must be truer than the Jews, namely Islam.

Even more emphatically in Deuteronomy 24:16 it says: Let not a father be put to death because of his son, nor a son be put to death because of his father; everyone must be put to death for his own sins."

This means that Jesus was not a savior who died to atone for human sins, because each person is responsible for his own sins. 
This teaching is also exactly the same in Islamic teachings, it can be read in surah al-an-'am: 164 Say (Muhammad), 'Is it (proper) for me to seek a god other than Allah, even though He is the Lord of all things. For every sin a person does, he himself is responsible. And one will not carry the burden of another's sins. Then to your Lord you will return, and He will tell you what you previously disputed."

In fact, it is quite clear, there are similarities between the teachings of Jesus and Islam, what is different is the teachings that came from Paul, the main figure behind the founding of Christianity in 95 AD.

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