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"jesus was married" Jesus was married? A netizen once asked a simple and slightly ridiculous question, because the status of Jesus is still considered a god among Christians to this day.

If it were true that Jesus was married occurred, it would have been rather strange and odd, why did God marry a creature of his own creation?

However, so that it doesn't become a wild interpretation, we need to investigate whether it is true that Jesus was ever married using several trusted reference sources.

Ancient Papyrus Fragment Document

In 2010, an anonymous telephone call contacted Harvard Divinity School historian Karen King, asking her to help him translate an ancient document he owned.

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Initially, Karen King was not interested in the unknown caller's request, but she was not discouraged by the caller continuing to contact her.

In fact, to strengthen his request, the illegal caller gave Karen King a letter marked 1980. The contents of the letter contain the allegations of Professor Gerhard Fecht, Faculty of Egyptology from the University of Berlin, who believes that his ancient fragment is proof that Jesus was married.

The owner of the fragment admitted to Karen King, the history of how he came to possess the fragment, that he had bought five papyri in 1999 from a collector. According to the collector, they got the document around 1960 in East Germany.

Returning to the original topic, then, in December 2011, Karen King officially invited him to come and bring his ancient documents to Harvard University. Then in 2012, together with her friend Anne Marie Luijendijk, a professor of religion from Princeton University, they took the document to ancient world expert Roger Shaler Bagnall at Columbia University for further examination.

The results of Roger Shaler Bagnall's examination of the way the ink penetrated, and the handwriting, strongly suspected that the ancient papyrus document was genuine. After that, a serious examination was carried out regarding radiocarbon dating and ink studies by experts at 3 different universities, Columbia, Harvard and Massachusetts universities.

As a result, the papyrus fragment the size of an adult's palm (1.5 x 3 inches) is thought to have been written in the second century AD. It is believed to have been created in Egypt because it uses Coptic, a language used by Christians at that time under the Roman Empire.

Also, a Coptic expert from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem named Ariel Shisha-Halevy confirmed that the ancient fragment was valid based on its language and grammar. 

Jesus was married 

There is something interesting about the discovery of ancient papyrus as researched by historians, namely the 4 words contained in the fragment. When translated it reads, "Jesus said to them, my wife."

This sentence indicates that Jesus was married, although some followers of Christian teachings will definitely not agree with this statement. But that is a historical fact that cannot be denied.

The contents of the fragment only contain eight lines of partial handwriting with the ink faded, but the three words and a number of letters are still visible quite clearly. Even though his condition was very serious, the four words indicating that Jesus was married are enough theological evidence for today's ancient historians.
Jesus was married in the Bible version

A strong indication that Jesus was married is also found in the book of Revelation 19:7 "Let us rejoice and be glad, and give Him glory. For the marriage day of the Lamb has come, and His bride is ready." It turns out that several books in the Bible reveal that the lamb in question is Jesus. You can listen to the following

1. Isaiah 53:7 
He was persecuted, but he allowed himself to be oppressed and did not open his mouth like a lamb led to the slaughter; like a sheep that is silent before its shearers, he did not open his mouth.

2. Gospel Luke 7:37-38 
(Mary Magdalene brought an alabaster flask containing perfume) while weeping she went to stand behind Jesus at his feet, then wet his feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair, then she kissed his feet and anointed them with oil that smells good.

Another sign that Jesus was married is in the Gospel of Philip 49, where it is said that Jesus often kissed Mary Magdalene on the mouth. Even though high-ranking Christian circles strongly rejected the Gospel of Philip because it was considered apocryphal, we need to realize that the Apostle Philip was one of the 12 disciples of Jesus.

This means that what he said came directly from what he saw and heard when he was with Jesus. There is something strange and funny here, the writings of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, who were not direct disciples of Jesus, are instead considered canonical gospels.

Meanwhile, Philip's writings were even dismissed as not being included in the canonical Bible. So, it is very clear that there is an effort to erase some traces of the history of Jesus' life so that it is in line with the doctrine that Jesus is God.

A historian, theology and Bible expert and researcher of Dead Sea manuscript documents, Prof. Dr. Barbara Thiering, namely the oldest Christian texts discovered in 1946-1956 in caves around the Dead Sea.

After completing his research on the Dead Sea manuscript, he revealed his findings in a book entitled Jesus the Man. This finding is not surprising for Muslims, but it is extraordinary for Christian believers because it contradicts what they have believed so far.

In the book, the professor reveals that there is evidence of Jesus married ceremony but it was disguised and even eliminated by church authorities.

The point of attention highlighted is the Gospel of Mark 14:3 and the Gospel of Luke 7:37-38. He stated that the contents of the two gospels explained the wedding rituals of ancient Jewish nobles.

One thing is certain, Jesus was an ordinary human being who had desires, passions like other normal humans. Let's think.

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