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Jesus not being crucified is the basis of Muslim belief so they never consider Jesus to be a god worthy of worship. This is in accordance with the information contained in the holy book Al-Quran Surah An-Nisa verses 157-159.

In summary, the verse tells us, "Indeed, We [the Jews] killed the Messiah, Jesus the son of Mary, the Apostle of Allah," even though they did not kill him nor (nor) crucify him, but (what they killed was) a person who was likened to ' Jesus for them.
This is different from the view of Christians, who actually think that Jesus was crucified to atone for human sins. The argument used uses a number of verses which are widely scattered in the Gospel of Matthew chapters 27:45–46, 50. When Jesus died on the cross is explained in the Gospel of Mark 15:25.

The existence of two opinions between Muslims and Christians about whether Jesus was crucified or not creates a sharp point of intersection between these two religious communities.

For people who have common sense and are not crippled by memory, of course, to prove what is true and what is not, they must trace the history of the formation of the two Bibles as a source of information. Where did these verses come from, who is the author, maybe this information is a hoax and is just misleading.
Jesus was crucified in the Bible version

The belief that Jesus died on the cross is the central theme and basis of the Christian faith which was later revealed in the form of the doctrine of the trinity of father, son and holy spirit, giving rise to the idea that Jesus is God. At first, Jesus was actually not considered a god, and I have discussed this in detail in my previous article about the 325 Council of Nicea.

Read also the facts jesus not god according to the bible

Returning to the topic of whether Jesus was crucified or not, a theologian from Sweden stated that the status of Jesus was not crucified, because there was no evidence that showed that the Romans at that time had crucified their prisoners.

Gunnar Samuelsson from the University of Gothenburg, in his doctoral dissertation entitled "Crucifixion in Antiquity - An Inquiry into the Background of the New Testament Terminology of Crucifixion", revealed that the story about the crucifixion of Jesus was only based on Christian customs at that time, not based on ancient texts.

So what about the information about Jesus being crucified in a number of verses in Matthew's Gospel? Is that just hoax information?

Reporting from, it was revealed that there are some verses in Matthew's Gospel that did not exist previously in the Sinaiticus document, namely 12:47, 16:26-3, 17:21, 18:11, 23:14, 24:35.

What exactly is this sinaiticus document?

This is the oldest Christian document which contains some verses from the Old Testament, while the verses in the New Testament are contained in full in this document.

It is believed by experts that this document was written in the 4th century AD. Referring to the Sinaiticus document, it is clear that the verses about Jesus being crucified in the Gospel of Matthew 27:45–46, 50 do not include additional verses.

This means that the information about the crucifixion actually occurred. Even in Isaiah 53:10 it says that God willed that he suffer and offer himself as a sacrifice for sin. Then he will live a long life and see his descendants through him God's will will be carried out.

Unfortunately, it is clear from Isaiah above that there is a contradiction in the content of the verse, on the one hand it predicts that Jesus would be crucified and at the same time also states that he would not be crucified because he would be given a long life.

Confused, right? please interpret it yourself.

But is it true that it was Jesus who was crucified? because information from the quran says otherwise that Jesus was not crucified, because it was someone who was like him. 
Jesus was not crucified in the Bible version

In line with the statement in the Koran that there was a person whose face was likened to taking the place of Jesus to be crucified, it is in the Gospel of John 20:14-15. That when Mary Magdalene came to the location where Jesus was buried on Sunday morning, she found it empty and met 2 angels.

At the same time there was a voice asking him from behind, when he saw an unknown man, even though the person asking was Jesus himself. This incident is a fact that Jesus had another miracle of being able to change his face, so that Mary Magdalene was not known at all.

In summary, several verses in the Bible itself are strong indications that Jesus was not crucified as follows:

  1. Psalm 91:8 you have only watched it with your own eyes and seen the vengeance of the wicked
  2. Psalm 91:10 also says that no calamity will befall you, nor will any plague come near your tent.
  3. Psalm 91:11 for He will command His angels over you to guard you in all your ways.
  4. Psalm 91:12 They will hold you up in their hands, so that your feet do not strike a stone.
  5. Psalm 91:16 says with long life I will satisfy him and I will show him my salvation. So there is a correspondence between the contents of Isaiah 53:10 and Psalm 91:16.
So the contents of the Bible itself have two different statements regarding the status of Jesus being crucified and Jesus not being crucified. Which one is true ?

This is what happens, if a Bible is written by many hands there will always be contradictions. Is this worthy of being called the word of God? For someone who grew up from childhood in the teachings of the doctrine of the trinity, they will certainly hold firmly to the opinion that Jesus was crucified.

However, if he wants to use common sense and try to trace the truth of the story of Jesus being crucified in the Bible then he will come to a crossroads of belief that Jesus was not crucified either. 
Testing the truth of the al-quran

The truth of the information in the quran about Jesus not being crucified as in Surah An-Nisa 157-159, will be tested through a holistic (comprehensive) approach. What this means is that we will look at other information in the quran, even though it is not related to the crucifixion of Jesus.

In general, the verses in the quran are intended for people who want to think. However, in brief, the contents of the quran contain the lives of the prophets, the obligations of humans, what is forbidden to humans, including matters of knowledge concerning the creation of the earth, the universe, the creation of humans, the matter of how rain occurs, the matter of human genetics, plant genetics, where did life in the world begin and much more.

There are no less than a thousand verses in the quran which contain scientific information.

An example of At-tur's letter verse 6 "And the sea in whose land there is fire". This information was proven by Russian geologist Anatol Sbagovich and American scientist Yuri Bagdanov, who while diving to the bottom of the Miami ocean found molten lava with a temperature of 231 degrees Celsius.

Also regarding human embryology, an expert in anatomy and embryology with a stack of Prof. titles. Dr. Keith L. Moore MSc, PhD, FIAC, FSRM, FAAA from Canada discovered in 1989 that in the process of human creation after fertilization, the embryo before developing takes the form of a blood clot that attaches to the uterine wall.

After careful examination, the blood clot that was attached looked like a leech. This important event, it turns out, was explained in the quran 1400 years ago in Surah al-Mu'minun verses 12-14 which reads "Then We made the semen into a clot of blood, then We made the clot of blood into a clot of flesh, and then a clot of flesh We made bones into bones, then We wrapped the bones in flesh.

Then We made them into creatures with another (form). So Blessed be Allah, the Best Creator.

Well, 2 examples of knowledge contained in the quran have only been discovered by humans in recent years. This information was reported 14 centuries ago in the quran. So where does that information come from?

Is it possible that the Prophet Muhammad as the transmitter of revelation carried out research under the sea and/or carried out research on human embryos?

The Prophet Muhammad SAW himself was known as someone who could not read and write. It is certain that these two pieces of information must have come from the creator of the universe as well as the creator of humans as well.

The same treatment regarding the information that Jesus was not crucified in Surah An-Nisa 157-158 cannot be denied as coming from Allah SWT. It would be a mistake to still believe that Jesus was crucified and even became a human god.

Read also council nicea 325 AD: history of jesus become god


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