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10 September 2011


Not many people know how to work PENSION from farmers, some people with sarcasm saying oh NOT POSSIBLE, IMPOSSIBLE or other terms that smells pessimistic. The term pension is only known at  among civil servants at the time a person has reached the maximum age pursuant to the 56-year civil service rules and that's when the question was no longer working and still receive income from the government.

Would an event like this can be applied in the work environment as a farmer?

The answer is CAN, depending on the type of commodity in procesed by a farmer One of commodities of high economic value and can be utilized to achieve the retirement is a commodity crop

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fertilizer coco
Coco has been commonly used as a fuel / kitchen for cooking needs. But behind the coconut fiber contain ingredients that can be utilized to strengthen the root system of plants. 
Here's how to manufacture fertilizer KCl from coconut husk

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