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fertilizer coco
Coco has been commonly used as a fuel / kitchen for cooking needs. But behind the coconut fiber contain ingredients that can be utilized to strengthen the root system of plants. 
Here's how to manufacture fertilizer KCl from coconut husk

Materials and tools

  • Fiber-coconut as much as 25 kg
  • One drums or other similar containers can also
  • The water is 40 liters
How to manufacture

  1. Coconut coir that has been cleaned is inserted into the drums
  2. Pour water into the drum until half full
  3. Drum soaking kalapa coir should be closed tightly, so as not intruding rain or direct sunlight
  4. Allow the marinade is approximately 15 days
  5. If the soaking water has changed color to yellow-black, it means that the liquid fertilizer from the coconut husk is finished and ready for use
  1. Liquid fertilizer is given twice in one season  
  2. First as basal fertilizer before planting land or on land preparation phase  
  3. Both fertilizer given after the rice enters the primordia (early growth), by way of fertilizer without additional water is sprayed on rice straw.

According to Ali Mugni crops from land use liquid fertilizer as a land of coconut coir which uses factory-made chemical fertilizers KCl.  Advantages of land use liquid fertilizer coconut coir, the production cost less because they do not need to shell out money to buy fertilizer KCl. 
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