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leadership in businessLeadership is an important keyword in an organization because it is the gateway to success.

Because it is so important, many people often talk about leadership where they work, assessing how their boss leads them both in government agencies and companies.

In this article, the focus will be on leadership in business, why is it so important?

The main task of a leader is to listen, provide inspiration, and show the goals to be achieved, said finance expert Professor Jerome Tailard from Babson College in Wellesley, Massachusetts.

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According to Professor Jerome's colleague, Arthur M. Blank endowes said that leadership can appear in various forms, namely, transformational leadership, servant leadership and entrepreneurial leadership.

Arthur further said that a leader must be able to maintain power and influence on his loyal followers. And currently entrepreneurial leadership is the most popular topic, because it produces many creative and innovative solutions in organizations.

Leadership in Business

In the scope of the organization, great leadership has a measurable vision that is actually derived in missions, work programs and then dives into the motivational drive for its employees to implement the program diligently.

This is where the skills and art of a leader are needed, because sometimes in a business organization, there are people who are naughty and do not want to obey the rules of the game that have been set.

Remember, leadership is also an example for the people he leads, so it is absolute that the leader shows good morals and ethics, is willing to learn from others, so that it can be an example and be duplicated by employees.

So why are leadership skills important?  

  1. There are several strong reasons that underlie the importance of this skill, namely 
  2. Encouraging work morale 
  3. To form a corporate culture 
  4. Encouraging the emergence of new innovations 
  5. Building intensive communication 
  6. To resolve conflicts
The good news is that leadership skills can be learned through various leadership programs that are widely offered by informal educational institutions.
A management professor Jay Rao from Babson College in Wellesley Massachusetts revealed that entrepreneurial leadership can be demonstrated by being a good risk manager, being able to make mature plans, and always being ready to resolve various crisis storms that come.
How to Demonstrate Leadership Attitudes
Leadership attitude is a reflection of the behavior of a supreme leader in the organization he leads. Well, there are several ways for you as a CEO to demonstrate your leadership.
According to the director of the center for engaged learning and teaching faculty Nan Langowitz from the Babson School of Business, there are 3 ways to show that you are a true leader, namely  
  1. Always listen and learn what is heard 
  2. Always empower his work team through continuous coaching 
  3. Focus on finding positive solutions to various situations and problems 
To achieve a truly effective leadership pattern, the leader needs to have
  1. Stable emotional intelligence, 
  2. Self-confidence
  3. Broad knowledge insight 
  4. Proven self-integrity.
With these four traits, it is certain that the business being run will easily break through the fortress of impossibility and lead to success.  


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