Script atau kode diatas fungsinya untuk mengatur PARTUS: IMPORTANT!! ENTREPRENEURS MUST DO STORYTELLING, THIS IS THE REASON, pub-5323710190924562, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 -->

06 June 2024


"storytelling" The dynamics of market changes are so fast that it gives rise to tight competition among business actors, therefore they try various tricks and one of them is a business testimonial or what is usually called storytelling.

So, why is storytelling so important for entrepreneurs? Read the review in this article until the end 

The meaning of Storytelling in business

Storytelling is a story that is about the ins and outs of the business they are involved in. Of course the story must be interesting and not make the listener fall asleep and at the very least it can also give rise to new inspiration for the audience. So, here are some things that are usually used as storytelling material, such as: 

1. Company Vision and Mission

The company vision is the main goal that a company wants to achieve in the future, while the mission is the things that are done to achieve that vision. A CEO or company owner needs to convey these two things to his employees, business partners (investors) and even his customers.

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Of course, the vision and mission story needs to be mixed strongly in storytelling with material that can be combined nicely with various real examples, so that it is easy to understand and can arouse the enthusiasm and curiosity of the listener.

2. Company Values

Company values are a basic principle that is the main foundation for a company to carry out various business activities. This value must be strong and easy to put into practice, not a nonsense slogan that is nice to say but difficult to implement in the company's work environment. 

For example, regarding this value, the abbreviation  TCHLAC (Trustworthy, Competent, Harmonious, Loyal, Adaptive, Collaborative). Storytelling becomes a channel to disseminate the company's values so that they can be understood and practiced according to what is expected.

3. New Products or Services

This third point is certainly one of the favorite materials that must be included in storytelling. This is the main backbone so that a company can exist in the market.

Here, the story about a product and service is packaged in an interesting and not exaggerated way, honestly so that it can attract customers. It even provides solutions to consumer problems. 

Storytelling for Entrepreneurs

There are a number of crucial reasons for entrepreneurs why storytelling is a must. Apart from being part of a business strategy to develop its business network, it is also due to the following reasons:

1. Establish emotional relationships

Emotional relationships between humans do not only apply because there is a relationship of brotherhood, but can be developed in a business context.

It is human nature, a sense of brotherhood because of bloodlines will always be strong and applies to everyone, so it is not surprising that if someone goes all out to defend their sibling, it could be hurt by someone else.

This concept is what an entrepreneur needs to pursue for his customers so that they can be present among the company's business network. Storytelling is a golden bridge to trigger customers' emotional feelings.

Give stories that contain a sense of joy, emotion, and empathy for consumers so that they can connect emotionally with the company brand. In the long term, this situation creates loyal customers who do not want to switch to other products.

2. Strong Brand Identity

A product brand becomes a unique identity that becomes a reference for customers when they buy that product. Of course, this can provide benefits for the company if it is also supported by the taste and benefits of the product itself.

These two things will make it easier for customers to remember the brand. Even through an entrepreneur's storytelling, it will be easy to build a positive, unique and prominent image of the product brand to various parties in the market.

3. Strengthen company credibility

Credibility or trust is something that a company maintains most in the eyes of its customers. Without credibility, a company will not develop and could even go collpas.

Therefore, through storytelling, an entrepreneur can use it optimally to build interesting stories for his customers about the business he is involved in. Tell us what the company's vision and mission are, who are its business partners, what are the advantages of the products it has and much more. 

4. Get new customers

An old anecdote that the customer is king is true for all companies that have products to sell For this reason, for companies that have been in business for a long time, it is unlawful if they do not maintain consumer loyalty. Even develop it more widely by attracting new customers through storytelling. A unique story will have a chain effect through word of mouth among new customers and potential customers. 

5. Product sales conversion

When we promote a product or service, it is very important to explain the benefits. Storytelling opens up opportunities for entrepreneurs to explain in detail the benefits of their products with an interesting story.

Sharing various success stories from customers will trigger new customers' desire to buy the product. 

6. Build consumer loyalty 

Consumers who have used and experienced the products or services that our company provides, usually tend to be more loyal. They will buy products over and over again, of course this is a good thing and is highly desired by any business owner.

For this reason, it is an important reason that storytelling must be diligently carried out wherever and whenever by the company. Don't ignore it or take it lightly because this is a hidden force that can boost sales.

Those are 6 reasons why storytelling is important for an entrepreneur, so use it wisely to achieve success in the future.

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