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'palestine israel conflict' The Palestinian-Israeli conflict is a very long, bloody conflict and has attracted the attention of many countries in the world. Why not, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict claimed many lives among the Palestinian people, especially women and children.  
This is a human tragedy that will bring tears to anyone who sees it. Ironically, many countries only condemn Israel's acts of military aggression against the Palestinian people without any other efforts being made.
Why does the Palestinian-Israeli conflict seem to never end and as far as I know it has been dragged on for so long?  
What mystery is actually behind this Palestinian conflict that is hidden. In this post, we will try to review a series of reasons why the conflict emerged in Palestine Summarized from the Wikipedia page, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict actually started in 1917, when the Ottoman Empire, which had ruled for 4 centuries, was successfully conquered by the British military.
They certainly wanted to make the best use of this British military victory in a formulation entitled the future of Palestine. There are two opinions developing within the British parliament regarding the future of the Palestinian territories which have been controlled by the British military. 
The first opinion wants the Palestinian region to be broken up into several regions, while the other members of parliament have a different opinion, namely that they want the Palestinian region to simply be reformed. 
Seeing the differences in opinion of the members of parliament, the foreign minister who was serving at that time, Arthur Balfour, then sent a letter to Lord Rothschil as the leader of the Jewish community in England.  
The essence of the letter stated the British government's support for the Jewish community to establish settlements in the Palestinian territories in terms of the Jewish National Home.
Arthur Balfour himself actually wanted the Palestinian region to be split into several regions, but this intention could not be implemented because other members of parliament opposed it.  
To further his intentions, Bolfour used the term Jewish National House in his letter to high-ranking members of the Jewish community.  
Why does the British government support this Jewish community?  
The reason is because of the geopolitical map that existed in the Middle East region at that time, where France and Russia had a strong influence on the Catholic Christian and Eastern Orthodox Christian communities.  
This position certainly made the British worried, so efforts were made to encourage residents of Jewish descent in England to move to the Palestinian territories they already controlled. 
To be honest, the term Jewish National Home that was put forward is very vague, whether it is meant as support for the formation of a Jewish state in Palestine or has another purpose. Recently, in various English media reports, this term is often used interchangeably in various different terms, namely the Jewish state, the residence of the Jewish nation.  
Feeling a breath of fresh air from the British government, the letter from the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Arthur Balfour, was distributed throughout the network of Zionist organizations in various parts of the world.  
As a result, many residents of Jewish descent flocked to the Palestinian territory to settle there to this day. The increasing number of Jews living in Palestine has inevitably resulted in conflict between Palestinians and Jews.  
The tensions between two countries that often occurred were tried to be mediated by the United Nations by taking a mandate from the British government. The UN resolution number 181 is trying to be used as a solution, which contains the division of the Palestinian territory into two regions, one for Palestinians and the other for Jewish citizens.  
However, the resolution was rejected outright by the native Palestinians and since then the Palestinian-Israeli conflict has begun to flare up. In 1948, the Palestinian conflict broke out with the Jews, which Israel succeeded in winning.  
This is what happened when the Israeli state emerged and they began to expand their settlement area to the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip. It seems that the Palestinian conflict will be difficult to resolve, considering the nature of the Jews themselves who like to fight.  
In the Koran, surah al-maidah verse 64, Allah SWT describes these Jews as happy by causing mischief.  So it is not surprising that Israeli Zionist actions in Palestine will certainly continue even though they have received strong criticism from citizens throughout the world. 
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