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"islamic teaching"

Radical Islam is a hot issue that is often raised in various mass media when there are terrorist incidents such as bombings.  

This stigma seems to have penetrated deeply into the brains of believers outside the Muslim community.

As a result, they were afraid to build communication with Muslims, and then a hatred for the Islamic religion emerged.

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Some negative opinions that are often found and become public discussions usually highlight several things, including the following:

1. Islam is a religion that is spread by means of war  

2. Followers of the Islamic religion are synonymous with all evil 

3. Followers of the Islamic religion are synonymous with poverty 

4. Muslims like to have many wives  

5. Suicide bombing is a Muslim tradition when fighting

So it seems as if Islamic teachings are far from compassion, so they are not worth studying.

This is the result of the role of the mass media which does not understand Islamic teachings, events such as bombings are considered to reflect Islamic teachings.

Is it true that there are Islamic teachings that educate its followers to become radical Muslims?

If you read the entire interpretation of the holy book Al-Quran, you will not find a single verse that teaches Muslims that they must do evil.

Islamic teachings do not even justify killing even the weakest creatures of Allah SWT, such as ants.

In Abu Dawud hadith number 2567, there are 4 animals that were forbidden by the Prophet Muhammad SAW to be killed, namely ants, bees, hudhud birds and shurad birds.

Even regarding plants, Allah SWT forbids humans from destroying them.

This is confirmed in Surah Al-Baqrah verse 205 that when he turns away (from you or authority), he tries to cause mischief on the earth and destroy crops and livestock.

Allah does not like damage. If it is forbidden to kill ants and destroy plants, of course the same thing is strictly prohibited for fellow humans and there is even a threat from Allah SWT to the perpetrators in the form of going to hell.

Surah Al-Isra: 33 And do not kill anyone whom Allah has forbidden (to kill), except for a valid (reason).

And whoever is killed unjustly, then indeed, We have given power to his guardian, but let his guardian not exceed the limit in killing.

Surah an-nisa:93 Whoever kills a believer intentionally, the reward will be (hell) Hell. He remains in it.

Allah was angry with him, cursed him, and prepared for him a very great punishment.

These 2 verses of the quran are quite clear, killing is not an Islamic teaching, so if there is a radical Islamic view that is synonymous with killing then it is actually an individual.

The formation of radical Islamic opinions was due to seeing certain individuals using Islamic symbols, for example skullcaps, gamis clothes.

However, once again the symbols used do not show the true teachings of Islam.

Many terrorist bomb perpetrators, such as the Bali bombers, Amrozy and Umar Patek, who are now free from prison, are actively campaigning for de-justification.

They are aware that what they did previously was not Islamic teachings.

Islamic teachings are synonymous with love for all creatures created by Allah SWT, Islam is a religion of rahmatan lil alamin for the entire universe. 

Read also this islamic teaching must be known by every moslem


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