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"islamic sect"

The Islamic sect is a thought or view of scholars regarding something related to Islamic teachings.

This sect of thought emerged because of differences in views of the leader religion after the Prophet Muhammad SAW died regarding various matters related to Islamic teachings. 
Definition of sect

According to Husain Abdullah in his book Al-wadhih fil ulus al-fiqh on page 200 published in 2000, a sect is a collection of leader's opinions in the form of Islamic laws, which are extracted from detailed sharia arguments as well as various rules and foundations underlying these opinions.

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From this definition, it means that if there is the same legal view of scholars regarding something, then that is islamic sect.

Of course, as long as there are arguments from the quran or from the Prophet's own sayings (hadith) that strengthen the scholar's thinking, then the truth can be accepted. 
Several opinions from Islamic sect

When the Prophet Muhammad SAW was still alive, signs of the emergence of the Islamic school began to appear.

So at that time, when the friends had a difference of opinion on something, they would ask the Prophet directly about it.

The source of law used at that time was only based on the quran and the words of the Prophet Muhammad SAW himself so that the friends would always follow what the Prophet had explained.

In the period after the Prophet died, various differences of opinion were gathered into 4 Islamic sect.

Next, we will discuss the various differences between these sect of thought in this article.

1. Hanafi Sect :

his is one of the earliest Islamic sect founded by Imam Abu Hanifa (699-767 AD).

The Hanafi sect is widely adhered to by Muslims living in Central Asia, Turkey, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and India. Several legal views from the Hanafi sect, for example regarding cases

a. Take ablution water before prayer,

They have an opinion that there are four stages, namely washing the face, washing both hands up to the elbows, washing a quarter of the head, washing both feet up to the ankles.

According to the Hanafi sect, having intention when performing ablution is not a condition for the validity of ablution, but it is only for the sake of perfection of ablution.

b. Touching the skin of men and women is not muhrim In this case, the opinion of the Hanafi sect is that if this happens it can invalidate the ablution.

2. Maliki Sect

The founder or main figure behind the presence of the Maliki sect was Imam Malik ibn Anas (711-795 AD) who lived in Medina, Saudi Arabia.

Adherents of this sect are found in North Africa, Sudan and parts of Saudi Arabia.

Some opinions of scholars of this sect, for example

AblutionsAccording to Imam Maliki, the law of fardu ablution has seven stages, namely intending, washing the face, washing both hands up to the elbows, washing the whole head, washing both feet and washing up to the ankles, done sequentially and must not be interrupted. Finally, the parts of the body that are exposed to water are obligatory for ablution. rubbed. 
b. Touching the skin of men and women is not muhrim In this case, the Maliki scholars are of the opinion that it does not invalidate the ablution that has been performed

3. Shafi'i Sect

The main figure who founded this sect was Imam Al-Shafi'i (767-820 AD).

Followers of the Shafi'i sect are found in several Southeast Asian countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines.

Some of the views of the Shafi'i sect scholars are as follows

a. Ablutions 
There are six mandatory stages when performing ablution. The first intention is to wash the face, wash both hands, wash part of the head, wash both feet, which are done in sequence when performing ablution. 
Intention, according to the Shafi'i sect, is a fardhu of ablution that must be performed. If you perform ablution without prior intention, your ablution will be invalid.

b. The skin of a man and a woman touch, not their mahrim If you have finished performing ablution and accidentally have skin contact with a woman who is not your muhrim, then according to the scholars of the Safi'i sect the ablution will be invalidated. 
4. Hanbali Sect

The founding figure of the Hanbali Sect was Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal (780-855 AD) in the city of Baghdad, Iraq.

The Muslim community in Saudi Arabia mostly uses the Hanbali sect. Some views from scholars in this sect are, for example:

Perform ablution The opinion of Hanbali sect scholars regarding ablution is that there are 7 stages, namely intention, continuity (no breaks) so that the water used for ablution is dry. 
Then wash your face, wash your hands up to the elbows, wash your head, wash your feet up to your ankles. 
Finally, the parts of your body that have been in contact with the ablution water must be scrubbed. 
The skin of a man and a woman touch, not their mahrim The scholars of the Hambali sect are of the opinion that ablution is invalid whether there is lust or not.

That is the view of the 4 most popular Islamic sect regarding the issue of ablution, but it needs to be underlined that even though the 4 Islamic sect have different views, all opinions are valid and valid. 
The reason is because there are supporting arguments, both from the quran and the hadith of the Prophet.


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