Organic is widely known among consumers who are crazy about organic food products. Therefore, many farmers today choose to cultivate horticultural crops organically in order to follow market demand trends.
If you observe carefully, the cultivation of organic horticultural crops by farmers is only limited to a few commodities. In fact, only plants that have a lot of interest and are quite expensive are ultimately chosen for cultivation.
If you observe carefully, the cultivation of organic horticultural crops by farmers is only limited to a few commodities. In fact, only plants that have a lot of interest and are quite expensive are ultimately chosen for cultivation.
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organic plants cultivation techniques, principles and methods
So, what are the organic horticultural crop commodities that people like to cultivate? following is the review
a. Vegetable Plants
Every day, the average person when shopping for kitchen needs will always buy vegetables for consumption. That is why the demand for vegetables is always there every day.
In research by Siti Nuriyah Hasanah et al in 2023 (Teaching Staff of the Agribusiness Department, FEM IPB) entitled how interested is the younger generation in buying organic vegetables? The fact revealed that there are 4 reasons respondents consider purchasing organic vegetables, namely
a. attitude towards organic vegetables,
b. concern for the environment,
c. level of trust, and
d. concern for health
With a total of 200 respondents in the Bogor and Tasikmalaya areas, 86% said they were willing to buy organic vegetables at a higher price than non-organic vegetables.
This means, there is potential market demand for organic vegetables that can be taken.
A study at the Semarang modern market revealed the fact that there are at least 13 types of organic vegetables with a monthly number of buyers of more than 20 people. that is
1. Broccoli
2. Tomatoes
3. Carrots
4. Chili
5. Spinach
6. Sweet corn
7. Kale
8. Chives
9. Celery
10. Green lettuce
11. Chickpeas
12. Cauliflower
13. Chicory .
b. Fruit Plants
Reporting from the research results of Catherine Greene et al which were uploaded on the page, it was found that 45 percent of Americans include organic food in their daily diet.
Then it was also revealed that organic vegetables and fruit were the best-selling products in America and ranked first.
Still in the same article, it is also revealed that apples and grapes are the organic fruit products with the highest number of imports in America.
Especially in Indonesia, bananas, oranges and watermelon are the most popular organic fruit products among consumers in Indonesia. This was revealed in research journal number 10 number 2 of 2017 on pages 157-168.
From this we can see that there is an opportunity for organic horticultural crops to make a profit so we need to be more serious about farming organically, of course following market demand trends.
c. Medicinal Plants
The last type is medicinal plants called Biopharmaca. Many people call it a herbal plant. Of course, we often see this type in family medicinal plants (Toga) or living pharmacies.
Even though it is called a medicinal plant, its use is not only limited to medicine but also for cosmetics and beauty purposes as well as spices for cooking.
In the research journal of the Research Center for Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (researcher Ekwasita Rini Pribadi in 2009), a number of facts were presented that there are 31 types of medicinal plants whose volume of use is quite large in Indonesia, namely more than 1,000 tons of wet herb/year for the needs of the traditional medicine industry, kitchen spices, non-herbal medicine industry as well as for export.
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organic plants cultivation techniques, principles and methods
So, what are the organic horticultural crop commodities that people like to cultivate? following is the review
a. Vegetable Plants
Every day, the average person when shopping for kitchen needs will always buy vegetables for consumption. That is why the demand for vegetables is always there every day.
In research by Siti Nuriyah Hasanah et al in 2023 (Teaching Staff of the Agribusiness Department, FEM IPB) entitled how interested is the younger generation in buying organic vegetables? The fact revealed that there are 4 reasons respondents consider purchasing organic vegetables, namely
a. attitude towards organic vegetables,
b. concern for the environment,
c. level of trust, and
d. concern for health
With a total of 200 respondents in the Bogor and Tasikmalaya areas, 86% said they were willing to buy organic vegetables at a higher price than non-organic vegetables.
This means, there is potential market demand for organic vegetables that can be taken.
A study at the Semarang modern market revealed the fact that there are at least 13 types of organic vegetables with a monthly number of buyers of more than 20 people. that is
1. Broccoli
2. Tomatoes
3. Carrots
4. Chili
5. Spinach
6. Sweet corn
7. Kale
8. Chives
9. Celery
10. Green lettuce
11. Chickpeas
12. Cauliflower
13. Chicory .
b. Fruit Plants
Reporting from the research results of Catherine Greene et al which were uploaded on the page, it was found that 45 percent of Americans include organic food in their daily diet.
Then it was also revealed that organic vegetables and fruit were the best-selling products in America and ranked first.
Still in the same article, it is also revealed that apples and grapes are the organic fruit products with the highest number of imports in America.
Especially in Indonesia, bananas, oranges and watermelon are the most popular organic fruit products among consumers in Indonesia. This was revealed in research journal number 10 number 2 of 2017 on pages 157-168.
From this we can see that there is an opportunity for organic horticultural crops to make a profit so we need to be more serious about farming organically, of course following market demand trends.
c. Medicinal Plants
The last type is medicinal plants called Biopharmaca. Many people call it a herbal plant. Of course, we often see this type in family medicinal plants (Toga) or living pharmacies.
Even though it is called a medicinal plant, its use is not only limited to medicine but also for cosmetics and beauty purposes as well as spices for cooking.
In the research journal of the Research Center for Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (researcher Ekwasita Rini Pribadi in 2009), a number of facts were presented that there are 31 types of medicinal plants whose volume of use is quite large in Indonesia, namely more than 1,000 tons of wet herb/year for the needs of the traditional medicine industry, kitchen spices, non-herbal medicine industry as well as for export.
These 18 types of plants have been cultivated by farmers, but the other 13 types of medicinal plants are obtained from forests, home gardens or gardens.
So, here is a list of organic medicinal plants that have the opportunity to make a profit that you can try cultivating. The need for the three types of organic horticultural plants as already reviewed has proven to have quite a good market share, because the trend in public awareness of physical health is quite high.
They are willing to pay more for an organic horticultural plant product. That's why for farmers, there's no harm in cultivating organic horticultural crops, starting from a small scale until slowly moving to a large scale. The reason is of course because this business has proven results in making profits.
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So, here is a list of organic medicinal plants that have the opportunity to make a profit that you can try cultivating. The need for the three types of organic horticultural plants as already reviewed has proven to have quite a good market share, because the trend in public awareness of physical health is quite high.
They are willing to pay more for an organic horticultural plant product. That's why for farmers, there's no harm in cultivating organic horticultural crops, starting from a small scale until slowly moving to a large scale. The reason is of course because this business has proven results in making profits.
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organic pesticides for plants that are proven to be effective use
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