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"organic pesticides for plants" Organic pesticides for these plants are only given when needed. The goal is of course that the plant's immunity can be tolerant to various pest and disease attacks. So, if pests or diseases start to appear around the plant, it means the plant needs pesticides.

This organic pesticide is really needed by farmers who cultivate organic crops. Of course, to overcome pests and diseases that might attack their plants, they can be treated using pesticides made from organic materials too.

How to Make Organic Pesticides

In general, the manufacture of organic pesticides, also known as Biopesticides, is as follows:

  1.  Cut the plant material that will be used as pesticide into very small pieces by mincing.
  2. Enter Bio-Starter which is made from organic ingredients too.
  3. Soak the mixture for 3-5 days. Don't forget to cover it with black plastic.
  4. After 5 days, the mixture is opened and it can be used as a pesticide.
  5. Before use, mix it in water at a ratio of 5 ml per liter of water.

The steps above are how to make pesticides from young leaves of legumes or nuts. For leaves, the process is usually not much different.

For the use of other forms of ingredients such as garlic, roots, fruit and other types besides leaves, there may be different manufacturing techniques.

Read also 5 ways to start organic farming in the village

Adapted to the form, content, benefits and target of the pest or disease to be eradicated. 

Plant Organic Pesticide Ingredients

There are many plants whose ingredients are very effective in eradicating pests and plant diseases. We can differentiate these according to the function of the pesticide itself.

The first type is a plant that functions as an insecticide that will kill animal pests that eat the plant. Usually the presence of these pests can be identified because they can be seen with the naked eye.

Another way is to find out by looking at the leaves or stems with holes or even if the plant suddenly wilts. If this is the case, there is no other choice but to eradicate it with organic pesticides.

The following are several types of plants that can be used as organic insecticides, namely:

1. Calliandra,

the sap content is taken from the skin and stems. Usually used to eradicate grasshoppers that attack plants.

2. Soursop,

the leaves, seeds and roots are used to eradicate aphids, leaf-destroying caterpillars, armyworms and warehouse pests that attack.

3. Srikaya,

the leaves, seeds and roots which contain fat, annonain and resin are used to eradicate aphids, silkworm butterflies, armyworms, stem caterpillars or stem borers that attack.

The second type is a repellent for insects or pests which often attack plants so that the pests do not eat the leaves. The following include:

  1. Babadotanleutik, the fly oil content in the branches and leaves is used to treat warehouse pests.
  2. Jukut lokot mala, the leaves and seeds are used to prevent grasshoppers and butterflies from eating the plant.

The third type is fungicidal, namely eradicating several diseases caused by certain bacteria or fungi. The following include:

  1. Aloe vera, the leaves are used for juice. Its function is as a fungicide for plants experiencing root collar wilting.
  2. Laos, the tubers/rhizomes are used to treat root collar wilt disease.
  3. Areca nut,the leaves and seeds are used to treat nodules that attack plants.
  4. Garlic and shallots, the leaves and tubers are used to treat root nodules.
  5. Starfruit, the leaves are used as an anti-fungal which can cause brown spots on plant leaves.

These ingredients are ingredients used as organic pesticides for plants. Apart from being more economical, the use of organic pesticides is also safe for the environment because it does not contain dangerous chemicals. It's also not too difficult to make, so you can make it yourself as long as you have the ingredients Good luck!

Read also
organic plant cultivation techniques, principles and method 


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