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"industrial revolution"

The topic of Industrial Revolution 4.0 is the latest information in the IT expert community. 
Several experts have spoken out, claiming that the industrial revolution 4.0 reincarnated a form of collaboration between robotic automation processes into the real environment.

is that statement true?
Take a look at today's business people, all of whom want ease of work without the hassle of increasing costs. They think ahead, if their demands are met their income can increase because production costs are low. 

Understanding and impact of industrial revolution 4.0

In various scientific literature, there are many comments from technologists regarding the industrial revolution 4.0. Citing Wikipedia sources, Merkel's article, Angela the chancellor and her world, is given the specific meaning of comprehensive transformation of all parts of production through the integration of internet networks into traditional industry.

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history of internet development in the world

This view leads to a general conclusion as the intervention activities of smart devices from the start of making them to the end of selling them. Talking about the impact, at a glance, if you pay attention to the surrounding living areas, especially urban areas.

Honestly, you will find that the majority of people rely on smartphones to fulfill their needs. Based on an investigation by Brother Hamdan from Serang Raya University (Nusamba Journal Vol 3, 2018), entitled The Influence of the Industrial Revolution on Entrepreneurship for Independence, it was revealed that the existence of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 has changed the standard of social life and the welfare of civil society.

Furthermore, he said that conventional transportation is based on online frequencies, such as motorbike taxis. It turns out that its contribution to national gross regional domestic product is 8.2 trillion.

Since its presence in 2010, it has been recorded that until 2022 there will be around 2 million drivers.

However, when searching for Google Playstore downloads, it seems that 5 million users are interested in installing the Gojek application. Muhamad Yorga revealed a strange fact when he took part in the London School of Economics Doctoral program, a sample of 1000 motorbike taxi drivers in 5 locations (Tangerang, Bogor, Depok, Jakarta, Bekasi), he said that 66% wanted the status of office employees.

Apart from the results of this research, it should be acknowledged that various creations of the industrial revolution are widely circulating among the Indonesian people. 

The origins of the industrial revolution 4.0

Quoting the site, the first time the industrial revolution 4.0 label was used was during the 2011 German Hannover City Industrial Exhibition event.

It was at that moment that Professor Klaus Schwab published the term industrial revolution to the public. He is a citizen of the country where Fuhrer Hitler was born, and was also the founder of the World Economic Forum in 1971. Then in 1998 he founded a foundation focused on social entrepreneurship.

Threat or Opportunity

The movement of the business sector due to the industrial revolution 4.0 has undeniably drastically reduced the number of employment demands. The reason is that all work uses only a small amount of human power and then switches to high technology.

My experience when visiting a conch cement factory, the upstream to downstream cycle was carried out by 4 people in the control room

Interestingly, the industrial revolution 4.0 actually takes a big opportunity to save total resources used.

Wow, good news, even though it has the potential to be very expensive to prepare automatic processing tools. If you look closely at the field of buying and selling, nowadays young entrepreneurs tend to choose to use the virtual world to sell their products.

It is proven that there are thousands of members willing to queue under the auspices of the Tokopedia, Bukalapak, Shopee, Tanihub marketplaces. Students' education has not been positively impacted because the learning process is no longer face-to-face.

The school when the corona virus broke out in 2020, ordered teachers to teach their students only via padlet, flipgrid. The land transportation division is also very enthusiastic, its GoJek software is selling well. The same incident happened in the funding category via fintech startup (kitabisa)

Even fish farmers who feed their pets can automatically use e-fishery commerce accounts. From the various examples above, this is proof of the penetration of the industrial revolution 4.0 into all the needs of the people of the earth so that new challenges are found here, such as:
  1. Online marketing can improve
  2. Offers of technical guidance to train workers in certain specializations are increasing
  3. The emergence of hosting providers providing unlimited data storage capacity
  4. 5G network service provider
  5. Development of artificial intelligence (artificial intelligence)
On the side hand, it also threatens a number of serious dangers, namely

1. About database server security
2. Unemployment soared sharply
3. Matters of system stability and speed

So, it is mandatory to prepare independent answers to overcome the negative consequences of the industrial revolution 4.0.

Preparing to user in the industrial revolution

As the strong winds of change in the industrial revolution 4.0 blow, you need sufficient provisions to face it.

Especially for someone with a working character, I recommend that you have a special advantage, this is an anticipatory step to replace an operation that is difficult for a machine to do.

For example, creativity to solve problems, design, public speaking, negotiation skills.

The point here is that we have to hone our soft skills so that we are in a position to compete with industrial revolution products.

Different for a trader, you need to refresh your skills on how to use sales features. for example using ads advertising services.

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the development of computer in the world


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