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"ressurrection of jesus"
The resurrection of Jesus is believed by Christians to be a sacred event that once occurred, so to commemorate it, Easter celebrations are held every year. Christianity teaches its people that the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead is one of the foundations of faith, therefore it must be believed.
There is no atonement for human sins, if Jesus Christ was never resurrected.
Several verses that inform about Jesus' resurrection are in the Gospel of Matthew 28:6, Luke 24:5, Mark 16:6, Revelation 20:12-13, Thessalonians 4:14 and many more.  
There are no less than 19 verses in the Bible that tell about this. Is it true that the resurrection of Jesus happened in the past? 
Even though there are a number of verses as mentioned above that refer to the resurrection of Jesus, on the other hand, there are also a number of verses that have the opposite effect.
For example, in the event of Jesus on the cross, in several verses in the Bible the psalm says that Jesus was not crucified, try checking Psalm 91:8, 91:10-12, 91:16. The context of this verse tells us that Jesus was not crucified, so of course the event of Jesus' resurrection was only the imagination of the gospel writers themselves.
The Bible, which consists of the Old Testament and the New Testament, cannot be separated, it is believed that their contents are related to each other. What was prophesied in the old covenant will be fulfilled in the new covenant. 
For example, the prophecy in Psalm 110:1 about the resurrection of Jesus was fulfilled later in the New Testament in several verses in the Gospels of Matthew, Luke, Mark, the Revelation, and Thessalonians. If so, what about the prophecies in Psalms 91:8, 91:10-12 and 91:16 which essentially say that Jesus was not crucified? 
Overlapping information like this certainly makes followers confused. It is very ironic if there is a Bible that gives contradictory information about the same object. 
Several Bible verses clarify the position of Jesus' resurrection, that in the past it did not happen at all because
  1. Mary Magdalene met an unknown person while visiting the location where Jesus was in the tomb. And it turned out that the stranger, Jesus himself, had changed his face. Here we emphasize another miracle of Jesus, namely his ability to change form so that the one who was crucified was not himself but another person whose face he resembled. (John 20:14-15) 
  2. The verses in the psalm in chapter 91, which basically say that Jesus was not crucified. Indeed, the crucifixion incident occurred at that time, but it was someone else who was crucified, not himself. At that time, Jesus himself was a witness to the execution of the crucifixion of the Roman soldiers as stated in the book of Psalm 91:8,10,10-12,16. If we examine it carefully, the source of information about the crucifixion, death and resurrection of Jesus comes from the New Testament, the truth of which is very doubtful, the reason is
    1. The contents of the New Testament are mixed up with the handwriting of Saint Paul, who claimed to be an apostle. Paul's writing is clearly not the word of God, even though it is covered in arguments that he was inspired by the holy spirit when writing. The authors of the Gospels, namely Matthew, Luke, Mark, were not disciples of Jesus, they were people close to Paul so they had been exposed to Paul's teachings 
    2. The prophecy of Jesus dying for 3 days as happened to the prophet Jonah who was swallowed by a fish for 3 days and 3 nights was not fulfilled (Matthew 12:38). If you count from the time Jesus died on Friday until his resurrection on Sunday morning, it is not even 3 days like the incident of the prophet Jonah. In this way, the resurrection of Jesus was actually a supporting argument created by Paul himself by copying the story from the Greek mythology of Hercules, the son of the god Zeus.
    3. The story of Hercules is exactly the same as the story of the life of Jesus, who was considered a demigod, died, was poisoned and then rose again to become a god.
    As a human being with common sense, it is necessary to study history related to the religion one adheres to
    Don't just swallow church doctrine without trying to learn it yourself because this concerns your own safety in the afterlife.


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