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"greek mythology"

Greek mythology is one of the world's cultural heritages which is full of mystical stories from the past, especially regarding the customs of ancient Greek society.

We have often heard this story and it is quite interesting to follow because it contains stories of the ancient Greek gods who were their worship at that time.

It's so interesting, there are even a number of names of gods or goddesses used as the names of government programs, for example the United States government space program, the name of the plane Apollo is the name of the god of music, light and science from Greek mythology.

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Even in Christian teachings, because the Greek region was visited by Saint Paul on a mission to spread Christian teachings, there appear to be similarities in the story of Jesus Christ and Hercules, the son of the god Zeus, both of whom are considered demigods.

Apart from the similarities, the stories of the gods and goddesses in the circle of Greek mythology, now several historical sites are recognized as valuable world cultural heritage.

Some of these historical sites are still often visited by tourists around the world, for example historical sites on the Greek island of Delos, such as the Temple of Apollo and the Temple of Hera, which are believed to have been places of worship in the ancient Greeks in the past.

In his time, each god or goddess was considered to have certain characteristics and abilities so that one and another would never have the same characteristics. They represent and symbolize certain aspects of every human life and even the universe.

Who are the gods and goddesses in Greek mythology and what are their respective strengths?

Summarized from various sources, below is the explanation.

Collection of ancient Greek gods and goddesses

1. God Zeus

The god Zeus is a god who is considered the most powerful of all the gods in Greek mythology and he was even appointed as the king of the gods.

Therefore he controlled the sky and made lightning a symbol of his power. Not only that, the god Zeus is also considered the father of a human figure named Hercules. In various film shows, Hercules is told as a strong human figure like his father Zeus, and is considered a demigod.

Apart from his son Hercules, the god Zeus is considered the protector of law, order and justice.

2. Goddess Hera

Hera was a queen of the goddesses and also the wife of the god Zeus. Because she is the life partner of the god Zeus, she is considered the protective goddess of marriage, birth and the family. The ancient Greeks often worshiped it and used it as a symbol of loyalty and motherhood.

3.God Poseidon

The ancient Greeks viewed the god Poseidon as the god of the sea, so he had the ability to control the ocean and everything in it. It is depicted that the god Poseidon is able to move waves as high as he wants, his story is often shown and has even been made into the title of a film called Poseidon.

5. Goddess Athena

This fourth goddess corresponds to the name of the Greek capital, Athens. Maybe this is also the reason why Greece chose the name Athens as the name of its capital city. She is considered the goddess of wisdom, the goddess of war, and was therefore appointed as the protector of the city of Athens.

5. God Apollo

In the fields of music, archers, the sun, science, the god Apollo is the patron god. He is also known as the god of prophecy so many people often worship him to ask for predictions of the future. In ancient Greek and Roman times the god Apollo was often worshiped because of his status as the son of the god Zeus.

6. Goddess Artemis

Artemis in ancient Greek mythology is known as the goddess of hunting, wild animals, wild nature, virgins and hills. She is also considered to bring and ward off diseases in women, and is also a goddess who helps women in the birth process. The goddess Artemis was the daughter of the god Zeus, the twin sister of the god Apollo.

7. God Hermes

When it comes to bringing messages to humans, that is the job of the god Hermes. He wears winged sandals when carrying out his duties. Other duties include protecting travel, trade and communicating with the underworld.

The god Hermes is also believed to be the god of athletics because of the discovery of various sports such as racing, wrestling and boxing. Therefore, the god Hermes will provide protection to athletes, helping them if they are injured.

8. Goddess Aphrodite

Aphrodite is the goddess of beauty, love and beauty because she is known to have many lovers. She is the most beautiful goddess of all the goddesses in Greek mythology. In ancient Roman belief, the goddess Aphrodite was said to be the goddess Venus Reporting from Wikipedia, in a poem (theogony) by Hesiodos written in the 7th-8th century BC, it is said that this goddess was born from the sex of Uranus.

9. God Ares

Ares is the god of war and is associated with all kinds of violence. He had courage in fighting because he was believed to be the protective god of soldiers who were at war. His figure is known to be bloodthirsty, mastering all kinds of weapons of war, attack, defense and rebellion.

That is a brief profile of the gods and goddesses in Greek mythology which is still widely told today. Even though at first glance the story from the past doesn't make sense, this is a myth that has already proliferated in Greek society.

Greek mythology in Christian teachings

If compared and examined carefully, the life story of Jesus Christ is almost exactly the same as the life story of Hercules, the son of the god Zeus. Perhaps this was a source of inspiration for Saint Paul as the main figure who founded Christianity, considering that at that time he once stopped in Greece to introduce Christian teachings.

What are the similarities between Jesus and Hercules, here is the explanation

1. Birth

It is believed by Christians that Jesus was born from the spirit of God who slipped into the womb of a woman on earth named Mary, and was then born in human form. Even the god Zeus is believed to have married Alcmene, then gave birth to a human figure named Hercules.

Here the similarities are, both are considered demigods and/or demigods

2. Miracles

That throughout his life, Jesus Christ did many great and extraordinary things, for example raising the dead, healing the blind, feeding 5000 people from just 2 pieces of bread and a fish, stopping a storm and so on.

The same thing happened in the life of Hercules, because of his status as the son of the god Zeus, he was given extraordinary strength beyond normal humans. Here is the similarity, both of them do extraordinary things beyond the limits of human ability.

3. Death

The process of Jesus' death went through a series of tortures from Roman soldiers and finally he was crucified on a wooden stake, then he died, was buried and then rose again on the third day. Hercules also acted like that, he died because he was poisoned, then rose again and changed his form into a god.

The stories of these two figures have become a source of inspiration for film producers, for example, Walt Disney released a number of films themed about Hercules, as well as the story of the life of Jesus.

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