Script atau kode diatas fungsinya untuk mengatur PARTUS: FERTILIZER BANANA SKIN, pub-5323710190924562, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 -->

10 September 2011


partus Banana skin that had been thrown away we let it contains chemical elements that are good for fertilizer that is Phosphorus, Magnesium, Sulfur, and Sodium. 

How to use: 

For ornamental plants (in pots): a banana peeln and then cut pieces of buried around the plant.

For agricultural crops (paddy field):

#Method 1
Banana peel in a blender (mashed) until it becomes liquid (10 kg of banana peels mixed with 10 Liters of Water) soak for one night, the water filtered with a cloth soaked results. 1 Liter distillate can be mixed with 10 liters of water spray into the soil around the plant.

#Method 2.
Banana peel in small pieces, and then composted with new soil as fertilizer is spread in general.

Read too Fertilizer coco


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