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trick get money
It turns out that google has adsense , in Indonesia have adsense camp based in Yogyakarta city. How it works both these businesses are similar , just put a text ads and when someone clicks on text ads that we will receive payment . 
This business is fairly easy , free of charge, no money , his money so why do not many free thinkers .

Make sure when filling out the registration form that is using the correct data bro, so the payment will clear . in trying your name in the content must match the name of the bank account you have let me simplify the process of transferring money to the your account registration

when you will be faced with two options, namely advetiser means you are paying into adsense because it is considered will advertise and publisher which means you will be paid adsense because they sell advertising . And if you recommend to a friend via a link refferalnya you will get an extra USD . 25 .


After being on adsense account select the menu to get a link refferal refferalnya in the form of banners like mine below

For registration please click this link  

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