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passive income
In the business world in know two ways to make money that is the method of active income and the method of passive income.

The active method of income is a method in which a person must be directly involved in his business activities eg civil servants, employees, stalls, workshops, other small business, so that when a person gets an interruption such as illness, then his income will automatically disappear.

The bad news is that 95% of human beings on this earth take an active income like this so it always gets stuck when it gets a nuisance.

Unfortunately also the active model of income always takes so long time to make money.

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Passive income model is the opposite of active income method in which one does not need to be directly involved in business activity.

Engagement is only in the early stages to organize some important parts of its business activities.

In other words, the first work on passive income model is to build a system that someday this system will make fast money continuously.

Even if the owner gets a health problem or an accident then the money taps will still flow. Even when sound asleep can still make money. Examples for this second method are multi level marketing, business properties, foreign exchange and so on.
The root of the problem, rarely people to follow the method of passive income may they do not know how to make fast money with passive income of model

Passive Income Means to Build System

In many literature the system is defined as a unity consisting of several components that interconnect hook and affect each other in order to achieve a goal.

In relation to the passive income model then some components in the intention in terms of the system is covering 4 important parts namely:

1. Man

It means that the involvement of others in the construction of the business we build is absolutely necessary in which they will contribute their time and energy to the business we are pioneering. As compensation for the donation of time and energy they will receive the salary, rent, bonus we pay.

2. Work methods

This means referring to the procedure or sequence of work that must be done by the people who work on the business we build.

For example for the hospitality business, then someone who is placed in the receptionist position in must make some reception procedures such as friendly greeting, filling out the guest list form, requesting a guest identity card, giving the room key and so on.

3. Materials

For this third point is selected on 2 types of services and goods. It is required that a business has a product whether in the form of services such as hospitality business, lightning-express business or in the form of goods such as shops and so on. If you do not have a product then my advice to use other people's products such as positioning yourself as a distributor or the like.

4. Money

No matter how small a business is built in both the active model of income and passive income would require capital that is money.

The good news in getting fast money with passive income of model does not necessarily require a large capital, inversely proportional to the business model of active income, large capital is the main strength.

The biggest mistake most people do is to see that building a business must have a big capital first so make them disappointed before starting the desired business

By having the four important parts as described above, then you already have a system as a money machine that is the source of earning fast money without even bothering to work.

For beginners who are interested in getting quick money passive income model with the easiest way, cheap and festive, there are two options that can be taken one of them:

1. Create your own blog

The choice to create a blog is one way to earn money with passive income. You do this by looking for refferal links then in pairs on our blog and then recommending others people to follow in the footsteps as you do.

But the affairs to create a blog is not an easy matter, many demands that must be met so that blogs are viewed search engine special and deserve to occupy page 1 search engine.

if this happens then get ready for explosion of visitors that you most likely get a quick money.

2. Plunge into a multi-level marketing world

The second option is relatively simple and does not require substantial capital, let alone demand a degree of undergraduate diploma. Capital is also relatively affordable around 100 200 thousand.

Anyone can plunge into world of a multi level marketing, the capital is just desperate want to change life. Today there are many companies that adopt multi-level marketing patterns with different modes and different styles.

If you are not careful then you can be deceived and entered into jail black investment.

Why should multi-level marketing?

As I mentioned earlier, the keyword of passive income is building the system. Only in multi level marketing is taught how to build system.

Many people underestimate the passive income model with multi level marketing pattern. They consider only selling products, that is very wrong perception and very subtle way of thinking is only as tomato tree.

The main task as a member to make fast money with passive income of model such as multi-level marketing, just two are: # Recruit new members.
# Train every members to have a positive personality and ready to act as a mentor to replace our position.

If two things were done quickly and correctly, then I guarantee 1000 percent you will soon get money fast.

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