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history of the bible
The history of the Bible is composed through a very long period of up to several centuries. Starting from the history of the Israelites until the time or period of the second temple being destroyed and finally the teachings of Christianity emerged by Saint Paul.

This Christianity finally became the state religion of Rome and experienced developments to what it is today with all its divisions of no less than 45,000 Christian sects throughout the worldAccording to the history of its birth, the term Bible does not only belong to Christians but is also a book of Jews because part of the contents of the Bible itself, namely the Old Testament, is derived from the Jewish Torah.
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Based on the timeline of biblical history, starting from the time of Israel and Judah around the 10th century BC around 931 BC, where at that time ancient Israel was divided into two kingdoms, namely Northern Israel and Southern Israel.

The oldest historical documents included in the Bible are called old hymns, for example the song of Deborah, Judges.

Then in 871 BC Elijah became king of Israel, well at that time there were stories centered on the figure of Moses and there were also stories centered on the figure of Abraham.

If the story about Moses is more popular in the area of ​​Northern Israel, while the story with the main character Abraham is popular in the area of ​​Southern Israel.

There were several books that appeared at that time named Amos, Hosea and Mika which told the story of two main characters Moses and Abraham.

It is estimated that the prophet Moses was born in the 14th to 13th centuries BC or 1400 to 1300.

Then if there are stories about the prophet Moses that only emerged in the 10th and 9th centuries BC with a time difference of 500 years, this means that the Jewish Bible called the Torah could not have been written by the Prophet Moses Alaihi Salam.

Approximately in 841 BC Jehu became King of Israel according to the Black Obelisk of Shalmaneser the Third, the Israelites became slaves to the Assyrians during Jehu's reign for approximately 400 years. Well, during their time as slaves to the Asians during this reign, no books were written.

Later, between 841 and 760 BC, several documents or records related to Moses appeared, called the code of law, which were later added to the stories in the Bible.

At this time, there was also a book called the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel, then this book was lost.

The book of Jaser also appeared, but the original was lost, followed by the book of Isaiah chapters 1 to 39.

There was also a writing called the Liturgy of the Baid and also a Collection of various sayings, both of which later became the forerunners of the emergence of the books of Psalms and Proverbs (also called the writings of the prophet Solomon).

Still in the eighth century or 721 BC, at that time the kingdom of Israel fell into the hands of Assyria.

Many northern Israelites were taken to Asia while others fled south. The government at that time was led by King Hezekiah, and here the story of King David began, the emergence of several books called Jeremiah, Zephaniah, Obadiah, Nahum, Habakko.

Then entering the 7th century in 624 BC, in 624 BC King Josiah initiated the re-establishment of religion based on the core of the book of Deuteronomy which was called the deuteronic school or sect.

There were approximately 4 schools of thought that emerged in that year, namely

1. Yahwist school

2. Elohist school

3. Deuteronomist school and

4. Prisli school.

These four schools of thought were the main sources for the stories in the five books of the Torah or the five books of Moses (events, exodus, Leviticus, numbers, Deuteronomy).

Going back to the beginning, it was mentioned that there is an old hymn book, the book of Tawarik, Jaser, the story of King David Tawarik, King of Judah.

The stories in the five books all became stories in the books of Joshua, judges, Samuel and kings. The source of the story is also from the deuteronic school.

After that, it entered the 6th century in 586 BC, where the situation at that time the kingdom of Judea fell into the hands of Babylon, Jerusalem and the first temple were destroyed and many Israelites were evacuated to Babylon.

In this year, the story of the prophet Moses and the prophet Abraham which were popular in northern Israel and southern Israel were collected in several books, namely the book of Genesis, Exodus and Numbers (Prisli school).

At that time, a writing called the code of holiness also appeared, which was later also called the book of Leviticus.

The combination of the books of Genesis, Exodus, Numbers, and the book of Leviticus was called the book of Tetraeh.

Then the combination of all the books originating from Deuteronika and Tetrateh became a book called the Torah and was made the holy book of the Jews between the 5th and 4th centuries.

The process of writing the Torah was led by Esra upon his return from Babylon by forming a team.

This Torah was then translated into Greek, which is called the Septuagint, and later became the main source for the birth of hundreds and even thousands of Bibles used by Christians throughout the world. 
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