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Marketing organic agricultural products is the same as conventional agricultural products. However, unfortunately, there is a view of the general public who sees all agricultural products as the same.

They don't know which agricultural products are organic and which are not. For this reason, an effective marketing strategy for organic agricultural products is needed so that it can provide education directly to consumers.

Organic product marketing strategy

Marketing planning is one thing that should not be overlooked so that sales can be made as optimally as possible. For marketing product of organic agricultural, there are 7 things that must be considered.
1. Identify the Target Market

The first is to identify who the target market for organic vegetables is. Unfortunately, in Indonesia itself, organic vegetable lovers are still at the upper middle class level. Other groups still prefer conventional harvests because they think there is no difference.
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However, this does not mean that market segmentation will be hampered. In fact, this is a great opportunity to market organic products to all levels of society. So, other strategies are needed so that all consumers can reach this healthy product.

2. Branding and Packing

Vegetable packaging will add to the selling value of organic agricultural products. As a seller, you must create eye-catching branding and packaging. You can also pay attention to packaging that is in line with organic farming principles.

One of them is environmentally friendly packaging to form the public mindset that organic products are zero waste. 

3. Promotion

Product sales are lacking without promotion to the public. This promotion is considered necessary because it is to introduce new products.

Apart from that, carrying out promotions repeatedly and continuously will make people familiar with the products you are marketing.

Some promotional steps that can be taken are:

a. Be diligent in participating in exhibition events anywhere
b. Create product flyers that are uploaded to all social media
c. Using ads for product promotion
d. Using news media

4. Utilize E-commerce

You can also use advances in technology to make marketing organic agricultural products reach more consumers. Now there are many applications or e-commerce that make it easier to sell agricultural products.

It is easy for consumers to choose the products they need without leaving the house and sellers can provide fresh produce shortly after consumers place the order.

The main advantage of using e-commerce is that you are able to expand your product market reach without being limited by time and space. To be more effective, use the advertising features provided in your marketplace account to promote your products.

5. Manage Organic Product Certification

Before making sales, sellers of organic agricultural products must first take care of organic product certification.

This certification will provide added value (the credibility of organic products is guaranteed) to the products you sell. In Indonesia there are several institutions that provide organic product certification and can be contacted via email or telephone.

6. Collaborate with various parties

Organic farming is not as popular as conventional farming, so there must be cooperation from various parties. You can enter exhibitions such as the Department of Agriculture and Food Security, combined exhibitions of organic agricultural products, collaborate with local minimarkets, or enter traditional markets.

The more often you collaborate, the more familiar people will be with the products you sell. This means increasing the opportunity for consumers to try the products you sell.

7. Pricing Strategy

There is one more thing that is quite crucial in marketing organic agricultural products, namely price. Here you are required to set competitive prices without reducing costs during plant maintenance. In this initial stage, your aim is to familiarize consumers with the product.

If demand increases, you can start increasing prices gradually. Of course, make sure that the price you set is still reasonable so that customers don't run away. All marketing strategies for organic agricultural products above must be accompanied by continuously improving skills and product quality.

Manufacturers can start by asking for feedback from consumers regarding what needs to be improved. The type of producer who is willing to listen to customer complaints has a high chance of marketing the product optimally.


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