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validator w3c, feedvalidator

Errors on blogs are a common problem that bloggers often face, because these errors can contribute to a decrease in blog traffic.

There are many types of errors that occur in the template script section if you detect them using the w3c validator or, and it's enough to make your head spin. 

One of the errors that is quite annoying is

  1. <meta content='width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0,minimum-scale=1.0,maximum-scale=1.0' name='viewport'/
  2. html xmlns='' xmlns:b='' xmlns:data='' xmlns:expr=''
  3. <meta charset='UTF-8'
However, you don't need to worry because solving this problem is not complicated and does not require special knowledge.

Impact of errors in w3c validator

When writing this post, the number of errors on this website after checking with the w3c validator and feevalidator was above 200. It's very scary to see piles of errors scattered everywhere.

However, now the number of errors has been successfully reduced to approximately 40 remaining.

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One thing that needs special attention, it turns out that errors in the W3C validator cannot just be ignored because they cause several new problems

1. Many articles are not indexed by Google
2. The health level of the blog is very low
3. The number of backlinks is not detected

For this reason, W3C validator and feed validator errors must be resolved immediately, at least the number can be reduced so that there is no serious impact on website traffic.

How to resolve errors Several errors in the W3C validator and Feed Validator,

As stated at the beginning, can be resolved in various ways and the following are the therapeutic steps to be taken. There are several blogger opinions that suggest deleting the minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0 section, but after trying it it turns out it doesn't work at all.
There must be other efforts to resolve the viewport tag error problem so that it doesn't appear again. Here are some important steps that I have taken
  1. Open edit template in the theme menu of the blog dashboard 
  2. Look for the viewport tag, usually under the head
  3. Delete the words minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, 4.
  4. Write <script>.......</script> between <meta content='width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0' name='viewport'
This method is guaranteed to solve the viewport tag problem, and ensure its position is right below the head text
Then for error <html xmlns='' xmlns:b='' xmlns:data='http:// >' xmlns:expr=''> can be fixed by adding the attrb code below the script.

<b:attr name='xmlns' value=''/>
<b:attr name='xmlns:b' value=''/>
<b:attr name='xmlns:expr' value=''/>
<b:attr name='xmlns:data' value=''/>

Finally, the <meta charset='UTF-8'/> error can be resolved by adding an opening tag at the beginning and end of the script, for example like this <script><meta charset='UTF-8'/></script>
For W3C validator errors and other feed validators, this will be discussed on another occasion because I am still trying to find the answer.
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