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history of gps GPS (global positioning system) is a super sophisticated technology that is well known to the public. Imagine someone could know where they are, just by using GPS technology. 

This is the latest technology that has been widely used in all matters, not only related to mapping but even lost cellphone matters, which can be found out quickly In this post we will explain the origins of how this GPS was discovered.

A brief history of GPS was discovered
The discovery of GPS coincided with the discovery of the internet. Reviewing my review in the article about the internet, in short the internet was first used by the United States defense department in 1969.
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Four years after the discovery of the internet, then in 1973 GPS technology was discovered by Roger Lee Easton. At that time, GPS was used for American military purposes and was named NAVSTAR GPS (navigation system with time and ranging global positioning system).
10 years later, to be precise in 1983, the then American President Ronald Reagan allowed GPS technology to be used by the wider community.
Why does the use of GPS require permission from the American president?
This relates to satellites which at that time were only controlled by the United States military. Without satellites, GPS technology would just be rubbish that has no function whatsoever. 
In line with the increasing flow of GPS users, in 2005 by American president Bill Clinton the number of satellites began to be increased, the latest data summarized from various sources, the number of satellites in 2020 is already at 31.
Benefits of GPS technology
There are many benefits that humans can experience with GPS technology, some of which are:
1. Transportation
Through GPS, drivers, whether car drivers, sailors and even airplane pilots, can find out the route they are taking, how far it is, and how long it will take.
Google is one example, as the most popular search engine currently, it does not fail to use GPS in its Google Map feature.
2. Make a map
Even when it comes to mapping land or certain areas, GPS is very helpful in measuring the size of an area and determining its boundaries.
3. Science
in the field of knowledge, GPS technology is widely used in various monitoring tools. Such as earthquake or tsunami detection tools, volcanic activity monitoring tools, weather monitoring. 
4. Sports and tourist activities
If you are a nature-loving athlete who enjoys outdoor activities, then it would be appropriate to make a GPS device your best friend. Many wilderness adventurers have used GPS to support their hobby of exploring unexplored areas. 
Of course, this is intended so that they get lost and know exactly the way to get home. That's a brief review of GPS that I summarized from several trusted sources.


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