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"create a blog"

In this explanation I will review in detail how to create a blog. Because maybe a lot of people are still confused about how to create a blog website.

In the current online era, the world of blogging is increasingly of interest to many people. The reason is that there are many benefits that can be obtained by creating a blog.  

Besides that, it will provide satisfaction because we can share information with other people. Therefore, many people want to get involved in the world of blogging. 

If you want to know how to create a blog, don't go wrong if you read this article. So how? 

To continue, you have to know what things you need to learn and understand regarding how to create a blog.

Things you need to learn before creating a blog

To create a blog, there are several basic things that you must understand. This is very necessary as basic knowledge for creating a blog. Even if you don't fully master it, at least this basic knowledge will provide clear guidance on how to create a blog.

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Then what are the things that must be understood as basic knowledge, see the following explanation: 

1. Know the basics of creating content

The most important and mandatory thing in creating a blog is being able to create content. The most important thing is content in the form of articles. 

At least you must be able to create or write an article. Even if you don't have much mastery in this matter. Because if you have entered the world of blogging, you will gradually become proficient in writing articles. 

Articles must be your own writing, not plagiarized by copying and pasting other people's writing. Because this is a violation in the serious category, if the article we publish on the blog is the result of copy paste. 

Read also simple ways to optimize performance of the blog  

Moreover, if you create a blog using the free domain of the Blogspot platform, your blog could be penalized by Google. Because it really violates Google policy. Moreover, if the writing you copy is copyrighted, this will be a big problem.

Because the owner could prosecute. Starting from that, now learn to write articles. To be published on a blog, try to create articles with quality content. This means don't write articles with random topics and contents. Apart from articles, content that can be presented on a blog can be in the form of videos or images. 

When publishing an article, you should include at least 1 image. Apart from making the article more meaningful, images make the page display more attractive.  

2. Know the basics of designing a blog

After having the basic skills to create content, the next important part of how to create a blog that you need to learn is the basic knowledge in designing blogs. Blog design can include creating menu boxes, creating navigation buttons, editing themes, creating blog headers and so on. 

However, you don't need to be discouraged if you feel you don't have the ability to do this. Because this can be learned and done as you go. This means that the important thing is that you first create a blog and start publishing articles and then learn to design the blog afterward. 

Because after we register and create a new blog, these menus are already in the default blog template or theme. We can also replace the blog's default standard theme with another standard theme, which is already available. There are even many sites or blogs that provide free or paid templates that you can take to apply to your blog. 

However, if you want your blog to look more attractive according to your wishes. And if you want to add certain menus to your blog, you need to learn how to design a blog. 

After creating a blog, you should immediately learn and practice how to design a blog. It's certain that over time you will be able to design your own blog in the future. 

Let's move on to the third basic science. 

3. Know the basics of HTML CSS and JavaScript 

Actually, for beginners this is not really mandatory. Even though you are still cloudy and impervious to the touch of programming languages such as HTML CSS and Javascript, this is not a serious obstacle that will make it difficult to create and create a blog. 

Indeed, you have to understand this part, although not completely. Because to build and change the appearance of a blog, we at least understand HTML, CSS and Javascript.

But just like the second point, this can be learned as you go. If you continuously work on building your blog, while continuing to learn how to design it, you will naturally know or understand about HTML CSS and JavaScript.

To edit a theme, or design a blog, the easy way is to simply add the widgets that have been provided. But this way the features are limited. We cannot completely design according to our wishes. To be able to fully design your blog you have to go to the HTML edit menu. 

This is where skills in HTML CSS and Javascript are needed. After you know the basic knowledge about how to create a blog, the next step is to determine the platform that will be used to register the blog. 

Choosing the type of blogging platform

To start creating a blog, you need to choose the type of blogging platform you will use. This blogging platform is divided into 2, namely:

● Free blogging platform

Creating a blog using this type of blogging platform is easier. and of course we don't need to spend a penny. Because we registered via their subdomain. This type of blogging platform is recommended for beginners.

● Paid blogging platforms

To create a blog using a paid blogging platform, you have to pay to buy a domain or blog address and rent hosting to create a blog. We have to prepare a credit card / debit card or you can also use a PayPal account as a payment system.

If you use a free blogging platform, you just need to register an account then you can immediately create the blog address you want according to availability and you can immediately create a blog. 
Before continuing, let me briefly explain what domains and hosting are.

The simple definition of a domain is an address that is used as access to a blog or website. For example:,, and others.

Meanwhile, hosting in simple terms is a place to manage or store the blog or website files.

ou could think of hosting as a house, while the domain is the address to that house.

Actually, to have a domain and hosting, we have to pay money, to buy a domain or rent hosting. The question arises in our heads, why is it free to create a blog or website?

Creating a blog via this free blogging platform is actually like 'taking' someone else's domain and hosting. The domain owner is the one who pays the costs to rent the hosting.

Creating a blog using this free blogging platform means we register with their sub domain. Therefore, the address we create will include their domain name. For example, if we create a blog via the Blogspot platform, then the blog address that we register and get will be '', not '' because we registered on the Blogspot domain.

There are many choices of blogging service providers with free platforms. Below is a list of some of the most popular free blogging platforms, please choose:

➢ Blogger: (
➢ WordPress :
➢ Tumblr :
➢ Medium :
➢ Weebly :
The most popular and most widely used blogging platforms are the Blogspot platform and the WordPress platform. Blogger is the oldest platform in the blogging world. However, compared to the WordPress platform, Blogspot is used more by bloggers, both bloggers in our country and bloggers throughout the world. Why is that..?

Because most bloggers' goal of creating and building a blog, apart from sharing information, is for monetization. What is meant by monetization is making money from the blog.

Monetizing a blog can be done in various ways. And to monetize a blog, which is said to be highly sought after by bloggers, is to become a publisher on Google AdSense. And the only blogs using a free blogging platform that can be accepted as Google AdSense publishers are blogs on the Blogspot platform. Because the Blogspot platform is managed by Google.

The second way to create a blog is through a paid blogging platform. If you choose a paid method, you have to prepare for the costs of buying a domain or renting hosting. You need to know the advantages of choosing this paid blogging platform, the domain will be our own, not 'riding' with someone else.

The domain name or blog address that we create is not followed by someone else's domain name. It depends on whether the domain name has been used or not. So the blog address can later become:,, and others. Another advantage is the supporting features for building a more complete blog.

Besides that, after creating and building a blog through a paid blogging platform, it will be easier to monetize the blog.

Because there are some AdSense parties who don't want to accept free platform blogs as their publishers. And to register as a publisher on Google Adsense, a blog with a paid blogging platform has a better chance of being accepted quickly. There are also many sites that provide paid blogging platforms. 
Below are several paid blogging platform options that you can choose from.
➢ wordpress premium link
➢ wix link 
➢ Squarespace link
➢ Joomla link
➢ Drupal link
The hosting rental prices offered by each service provider are different. And the payment systems are different, some are calculated as monthly rent and some are calculated as annual rent. For annual rental, the cheapest price is around US$1 depending on the suffix used (.com .net .id .org) or other suffix.

For those of you who want to create a blog for the first time, it's a good idea to use a free blogging platform first. While you learn to build and design the blog. After you understand a lot about building a blog, if you are interested you can try creating a blog with a paid platform. But it's up to you which platform you want to choose, depending on your main goal of creating a blog. After determining one of the platforms, the next step is 
  1. Visit the site  : Open and visit one of the selected blogging platforms.
  2. Register an account. Next, register an account on the blogging platform. To register an account you need a valid email address.
  3. Register a domain name or blog address
  4. The next process is registering a domain name, this domain name will also be used as a blog address.
If you use a free platform, the blog address will include their domain. However, later the domain name can also be upgraded to a paid domain, the domain will be our own. So that the blog address is not followed by their domain. But you will be charged for renting their hosting.

To create a blog address, try to match the name to the topic of the blog you are creating. For example, we will create a blog on the topic of Android smartphones.

Try to choose a blog name about Android, for example and others.

And on paid blogging platforms, we can also choose the extension or suffix that is used. Such as .com .id .org .net and other extension options. And using this extension the rental price will vary.

●Create a blog
After successfully registering a blog address, the next step is to create and build a blog. There will be panels available that are used to build blogs, including panels for creating articles and the following widgets are provided for designing blogs.

After successfully registering, you have an address, and your blog is ready to be built, follow the next explanation as to the process of how to create a blog.

Next Steps for the process of creating a blog
After successfully registering and the blog is ready to use, the following things need to be done to continue the process of creating the blog that was created earlier. The next steps you need to do are:


1. Determine your blog niche
For those of you who are still beginners, you may still be unfamiliar with the term niche. Niche can be interpreted as topic. What the topic for the blog will be about. For example about Android, about cars, about health and so on.

This niche will be used as a reference in publishing blog content. So the content that will be published is adjusted to the blog niche. We can determine several niches on the blog.

However, we should only apply one niche. So that the blog seems focused on one topic. Because this will affect search engines. Blogs with one niche will have a greater chance of appearing on page one of search results.

2. Determine the blog name
Next, determine the blog name. If the blog name can be adjusted to the blog topic.

3. Create a blog description
A blog description is also needed. Make a description or information according to the topic displayed on the blog.

4. Design the appearance of the blog
Maybe you are still confused about how to design the appearance of a blog. You can learn slowly. By looking for information and learning how to design a blog.

The easiest thing you can do first is change the theme or blog template. Because there are several default blog themes available that can be applied to the blog.

5. Publish content
The next step is to publish content. This content can be articles, images or videos. The main content published is articles. Create and publish quality articles. And try to publish articles regularly or as often as possible.

So that your blog becomes rich in content and this will bring in lots of visitors.

6. Develop a blog
As you continue to publish content, work on growing your blog. Developing this blog includes designing the blog by changing the appearance, adding certain widgets, adding menus to the blog and including developing content on the blog. That's a detailed explanation of how to create a blog. 
Hopefully this is useful, good luck.


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