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"jesus teaching"
Most Christians believe that Jesus teaching contain the teachings of love, so his followers are very proud of them. As long as the teaching brings goodness to humanity in the sense that there is a helping nature in the action, it is not related to faith, then it is valid.   
However, it is common knowledge that other teachings of Jesus are not carried out by Christians even though they are clearly stated in the Bible. 
What are the teachings of Jesus that the followers of Christ do not follow?
Some of Jesus teaching   
If we read the Bible starting from the book of revelation to the book of events then maybe you will be surprised. he reason is, in the Bible there are several verses that contain the teachings of Jesus but Christians do not follow them even though they claim to be followers of Jesus 
Following are some of Jesus teaching in the Bible 
1. Jesus was circumcised 
Jesus' teaching about circumcision are in the Gospel of Luke 2:21 that Jesus was circumcised 8 days after his birth. his command for circumcision appears in the book of Leviticus 12:3 (and on the eighth day the flesh of the boy's foreskin must be cut off).
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With this command, Jesus' parents then carried out circumcision on him. Also in the book of Genesis 7:9-14 tells this matter, in summary God's word to Abraham was that Abraham and his descendants must uphold the covenant with God and this was proven by circumcising all male children.

However, what Jesus exemplified, it turns out that up to now Christians have not implemented it.

It turns out that circumcision for Christian men was prohibited by Paul, it is clearly stated in Galatians 5:2 "Truly, I say to you, if you circumcise yourself, Christ will not benefit you at all.

2. You cannot eat pork

Pork is the favorite food of most Christians, except for Adventist Christians, their beliefs prohibit pork. The prohibition on eating pork is also a teaching of Jesus, found in the book of Leviticus chapter 11:7-8, Deuteronomy 14:8.

In essence, in the contents of these two books, it is strictly forbidden to eat pork and it is not even permissible to even touch the carcass. Ironically, these pigs are actually kept and traded by Christians themselves. So whose teachings make it legal for Christians to eat pork?

After investigating, it turns out that this is Paul's teaching in his letter to the Corinthians 6:12 that everything is lawful for me, but not everything is useful. Everything is lawful for me but I do not allow myself to be enslaved by anything.

There are also Christians who use the Gospel of Matthew 15:11 as their basis for eating pork, "listen and remember, it is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth that defiles a person.

There is also an opinion from Christians that what is prohibited in the books of Leviticus and Deuteronomy only applies to wild boar meat, while cultivated pork is permitted.

So, what is the difference between wild boar meat and domesticated pig meat?

Quoting from the page, the differences between these two types of pigs are only found physically namely 
  • Domestic pigs are heavier than wild boars
  • The color of wild boars tends to be black while domestic pigs are white or red
  • A wild boar's tusks are bigger and for domestic pigs the tusks are smaller
  • The bodies of domestic pigs are larger while the bodies of wild boars tend to be small
This means that wild boars and domestic pigs are actually the same animal because the 4 differences between the two occur due to the habitat in which the two animals live. So it is still prohibited for consumption by Christians.

What is even more surprising is that the boar language in the books of Leviticus and Deuteronomy is an insert word. In the Bible published in 1949, there is no word for wild boar, only the word "pig". 

3.Jesus fasted

Fasting is an Islamic religious ritual that is often carried out every year in the month of Ramadan. However, in Christianity, this is also a teaching of Jesus.

It is clearly seen in the Gospel of Matthew 4:1-2 that it is said that at that time Jesus was taken by a spirit into the field to be tempted by the devil and Jesus fasted for 40 days and 40 nights.

Fasting is a way to resist the temptation of the devil for Muslims and this was exemplified by Jesus as stated in the Gospel of Matthew. In fact, most Christians do not practice Jesus' teachings. 

4. Pray by prostrating and facing the Qibla

Prayer is the most important part of any religious worship ritual. Christians themselves pray with their palms together (locked). Is this way of praying a teaching of Jesus, apparently not. Try reading the following Gospel of Matthew 26:39

So he went forward a little, prostrated himself and prayed, saying, O my father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me, but not as I will but as you will.

Psalm 5:8 also says, "But as for me, thanks to your great love, I will enter your house and bow down to your holy temple and fear you.

So when Jesus prayed by prostrating, his head bowed to kiss the earth as Muslims usually do when praying.

5. Jesus took off his footwear

A house of worship is a holy house where in this place we will have a meeting with the creator of the universe through a religious ritual activity. Because it is a holy house, you should be in a holy state when you enter it.

One way to maintain purity is by removing our footwear just before entering. Even for Christians, before entering church, they must not wear footwear, whether shoes or flip-flops, as taught by Jesus in the book of Exodus 3:5.

Then he said, do not come near, remove your tangles from my feet, for the place where you stand is holy ground.

Have Christians practiced this teaching when they entered the church?

The answer is, not at all. Shoes from various brands that, when you come to church, may have stepped in cat feces on the street will also be brought into the house of worship.
Islamic teaching follow the teachings of Jesus

The five of jesus teaching discussed above are only a small part, and all five teachings are practiced by Muslims. Ironically, Christians who claim to be followers of Jesus' teachings actually do not do so at all and even tend to follow Paul's teachings.

For example, it is halal to eat pork, drink alcohol, and not be circumcised are the teachings of Paul even though Jesus himself never taught those things.

Logically speaking, it's common sense, then don't ever assume that Jesus is God, that position should have been held by Saint Paul.

In Islamic teachings, circumcision, not eating pork, fasting, prostrating and removing footwear when entering a house of worship are mandatory.

This means that adherents of Islamic teachings are actually loyal followers of Jesus, the reason being is that they do not violate what Jesus taught and instead practice it.

It requires an open mindset to accept this fact, whether it is denied for any reason will not answer the difference between of jesus teaching and the practices of those who claim to be followers of Christ.

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