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"increase domain authority"

Backlinks are undoubtedly very important in increase domain authority score of a website in the eyes of search engines. Therefore, this effort needs to be done seriously, and without second thoughts.

It is true that Google has never officially announced what factors influence the ranking of a website so that it can be displayed on page one. However, several SEO experts' statements and personal experience show that there is a close relationship between the number of backlinks and blog traffic.

That quality content has an influence too, yes...but it is closely related to the page authority score.

Read also 

how to increasing website traffic by writing article with long form content  

On the other hand, the number of quality backlinks has a big influence on Increase domain authority score website. So, in this section I will review the types of backlinks and where we can get them from and what effect they have on website rankings. 
Types of backlinks 

Based on the source from which the backlinks originate, there are 3 large groups of backlinks that are usually hunted by bloggers, namely backlinks tier 1, tier 2, tier 3, tier 4 and in this post, I am will review them one by one. 

1. Tier 1 Backlinks 

Some of these tier 1 backlink sources come from Quest post or guest post, where we write an article on another website, of course the site owner, as an expression of gratitude, will put our website URL in the article we wrote. 
Another term for this type of tier 1 backlink isrelationship-based backlinks. Editorial backlink , where our article is copied by a website that is already popular and includes the URL of the site or blog where the article was taken. 

2. Tier 2 backlinks
The main source of tier 2 backlinks comes from 

a. Private blog network, 

which means we create our own website in which we put a URL that leads to our website that will be optimized. There is also another super fast way that can increase domain authority, namely by buying a site that has a high domain authority and then in it we post articles that have been installed with a URL that leads to our own website page. 

b. Create a blog 

the Blogspot platform like Mimin's blog is a source of tier backlinks too, you know. The practice is like this, say we have a site on the WordPress platform whose ranking we want to optimize, then we simply create a blog on the Blogspot platform and plant a URL that leads to our own WordPress site. 

c. Article directory , 

that is, we register on a site that provides facilities for posting articles in which a link has been planted that leads to our website. For example, social boomark is a source of tier 2 backlinks. 

3. Tier 3 backlinks 
The main source of tier 3 backlinks comes from: 
  • A backlink generator is using an online application that produces backlinks, but I don't recommend this method because it has the potential to be subject to final sandboxing from Google.
  • Spam comments on other websites, meaning that we provide comments on articles on other websites that have no relevance to our own web niche.
  •  Personal blog links ,
  • Tier 2 backlinks can be obtained by placing our website address on a number of profiles on sites such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram 
4. Tier 4 backlinks 

The main source of tier 3 backlinks comes from:
  • a. URL shorteners such as short
  • b. Index submission site link 
Benefits of tier backlinks

The main benefit of using the tier model link building is that it increase domain authority score of our website so that the higher the domain authority score, the higher the flow of visitors will automatically be. 

However, as a note, even though a high domain authority score must be balanced with the page authority score, which can only be obtained by creating quality articles. Another benefit is that our website is read by Google and isquite popular so it can increase the trust flow score


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