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"organic product"
Organic products have not received much attention from business people, they are still considered a less promising business opportunity. In fact, generally in big cities, public awareness has emerged to want to live healthier.

Even at the world level, increasing pollution and environmental pollution are the reasons why citizens of their countries are switching to consuming various organic products.

So, what are the business opportunities for this organic product? The following explanation will reveal a number of research data regarding the demand for organic products, let's take a look

Market share of organic products in the world

Indeed, especially in Indonesia, organic products are not very popular compared to countries in Europe or America. According to research results from the organic trade association (Organic Trade Association) headquartered in North America, it was revealed that there was a spike in sales of organic products of 5.9% in 2019 or worth $47.9 million. 
It is also estimated that sales of organic products will continue to increase to $60 million in 2022. There are a number of organic products that are very popular with consumers, namely wrapped salads, berries, carrots, apples, bananas, lettuce and tomatoes.

The same thing is the case in the organic market in Europe, as revealed by the results of research by the Swiss agricultural research institute, that the market share for organic products in Europe is worth 15.1 billion euros.

Switzerland, in particular, is the second highest country in terms of consumption of organic products. Approximately every citizen spends 338 euros each year to buy various organic products.

It was also reported that the average demand for organic products from Switzerland grew by 20 percent every year. Looking at the research data, it can clearly be seen that there is a business opportunity to sell organic products to European and American continental countries.

Indonesia as an agricultural country has a great opportunity to export organic products to the European and American continents. Fruit products, for example, are in great demand by Swiss citizens, therefore the Indonesian government needs to increase the export value of these fruit products.

However, only certified organic products will be accepted on the American and European continents.

Organic products in Indonesia 

Reporting from Indonesian organic statistical data, the area of land for cultivating organic food products is 261,400 Ha, but only 79,800 Ha or 31% have organic certification.

This means that here, there are still obstacles to organic certification for Indonesian food products. Then, regarding the types of organic products that are widely exported, they are coffee, organic rice and honey.

Other food products that are also exported, although their value is still small, are palm sugar, coconut, spices, salak, cocoa and cashew nuts. This is a business opportunity which of course would be a shame if organic product business people just missed it.

Apart from being sold to European countries and the United States, there are still several countries in the Asian region that often import, such as Japan and China. The reason is that the slogan of healthy living has been widely campaigned everywhere.


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