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"organic materials"
Many organic materials are found as rubbish, and their place is in final disposal sites (TPA). Even though it is still a mixture of organic and non-organic materials (plastic waste), this is actually a business opportunity that can be used as raw material for making organic fertilizer.

The organic materials in the landfill are transported by waste officers from 2 sources, namely the market and households.

Of these two sources, organic waste from the market dominates the most in the form of vegetable scraps.
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This is in line with data from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry that 60% of the composition of market waste is dominated by organic waste. Unfortunately, due to ignorance, at the landfill site the organic materials were burned, rather than processed into organic fertilizer for sale. 
Various Organic materials

As said earlier, organic materials are the main raw materials for making organic fertilizer.

Because of its easily destroyed nature, this organic material is very good when used as fertilizer for plants because it is environmentally friendly.

For more details, here are organic materials that can be used to start organic farming.

1. Green Material
Green materials are one of the organic materials, many of which are also produced from our own homes. Leftover cooking ingredients such as vegetable stems, onion skins, egg shells, yellow fruit and vegetable skins and so on are examples of green ingredients that are always in the kitchen every day.

You can mix this green material with dry material to make compost. Other ways to use green materials from household sources, for example soaking onion skins for vegetable pesticides or soaking banana skins in rice washing water for liquid fertilizer to stimulate fertilization

2. Remaining animal waste
If you keep animals at home such as chickens, rabbits, goats or cows, don't waste their manure. Animal waste has been widely used to add nutrients to plants. To use this material, try to choose animal waste that is dry and looks like soil.

Using fresh animal waste is not recommended because apart from the smell it is also still hot. Your plants will not be able to survive in animal waste and will tend to die.

3. Dried Leaves
It turns out that dry leaves from trees function as carbon material in the composting process. You can take advantage of dry leaves in the yard or road and use them as organic materials, especially in making compost.

The most ideal size of dry leaves for use as organic material is small. You can tear or cut it first. This cutting is useful for speeding up the composting process by decomposing organisms

4. Bone Meal Fish, chicken or other animal bones apparently have a good effect on plants.

Bone Mea itself will provide nutrients such as phosphorus and calcium which are needed by plants. To get bonemeal, you can roast the bones until they are dry, then grind them with a grinder until they become flour.

Usually bonemeal is suitable to be given when plants are flowering and fertilizing. Apart from that, bonemeal is also often used as a basic mixture for planting media

5. Charcoal
Charcoal also has a role in making quality planting media. Adding charcoal to the planting medium will bind water so that when watering, the water can be absorbed properly

6. Fish Emulsion
People can also use fresh fish remains (heads, entrails or bones) to make liquid organic fertilizer (POC). You just need to grind it then add EM4, molasses and coconut water. After that, ferment for 3 weeks until the POC is ready to use. The use of fish emulsion or POC is rich in NPK elements so it can replace NPK chemical fertilizers on the market.

Method of composting organic materials

There are many methods of composting organic materials that are commonly used by experts, as follows

1. Biopore
The Biopori method is a composting method by immersing organic material in the soil. To do this, take a 10 cm diameter paralon pipe, make small holes (pores) in the pipe and insert it into the ground vertically to a depth of 1 metre. Then put the organic materials in the pipe and close it tightly.

2. Drum Composter
This second method is suitable for use if the land is small, so use a drum as a container for the composting process of organic materials. Don't forget, make holes around the drum for air circulation and place it in a location where it is not directly exposed to rainwater or heat.

3. Pot or Pottery Composter
Earthenware containers made from earth are excellent containers for making compost because they are capable of producing oxygen for air circulation. This means that the composting process of organic material can be completed more quickly.

4. Takakura Basket
This fourth method was introduced by Toji Takakura in Surabaya. The container used is a used laundry basket which is then lined with used cardboard.

5. Vermicompost
Vermicompost is a composting method that uses earthworms to break down organic materials. It is believed that the remains of worm excretions have the highest nutritional elements, so it is not uncommon for farmers to add vermicompost to the plants they grow.

These are some organic materials that can be used at home along with methods for processing them into organic fertilizer. Have fun practicing

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Get to know organic fertilizer: types, benefits and how to make it


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