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"organic fertilizer"

Organic fertilizer has now become an alternative to using chemical fertilizers.

Even though it requires a process to make, some people prefer organic fertilizer because it is not harmful to the environment and can have a positive impact on agricultural results.

Read the explanation below to find out various things related to organic fertilizer.

Get to know organic fertilizer and its types

Organic fertilizer is fertilizer made using natural ingredients from both animals and plants.Organic fertilizer can be in solid or liquid form and is generally used to provide various organic compounds for plants.

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Since ancient times, various types of organic fertilizer have been developed and made with various functions. Until now, people continue to innovate to create new types of organic fertilizer from materials that may have never been or have not been thought of being processed.

Here is a list of the latest organic fertilizer innovations:

1. Vermicompost

Vermicompost Fertilizer Vermicompost fertilizer is an abbreviation for 'worm castings'. This name was given because the fertilizer composting process uses the help of a worm called Lumbricusrubellus.

This vermicompost fertilizer is known to be rich in nutrients and growth hormones so it is very suitable for developing organic plant cultivation.

2. Rabbit Urine Organic Fertilizer

This organic fertilizer was developed by residents of Cianjur village. This fertilizer is made by fermenting rabbit urine using EM4, molasses, or a fermented milk drink for 10-15 days. This rabbit urine fertilizer can stimulate the growth of flowers and fruit on plants, making it suitable for use on ornamental and cultivated plants.

3. Petroganic Fertilizer

Petroganic fertilizer is produced by Petrokimia Gresik. This granular fertilizer has the advantage of high organic carbon content. In this way, this fertilizer can help increase organic carbon levels in the soil, which supports the improvement of the ecosystem around the roots. This will enrich good microorganisms in the soil and can fertilize plants. Petroganic fertilizer is very suitable for use on all types of soil and plants.

What are the Benefits of Organic Fertilizer for Agriculture?

Providing organic fertilizer to organic plant cultivation can provide various benefits such as:

1. Reduce the use of chemical fertilizers

The first thing that is the benefit of using organic fertilizer in agriculture is reducing the use of chemical fertilizers. This is also one of the visions and provisions if you want to develop organic farming. Chemical fertilizers themselves contain many dangerous compounds that can be absorbed by plants and enter the body when consumed.

These chemical compounds can cause effects such as cancer, reproductive disorders, the potential for birth defects in babies, and so on.

2. Plays a role in soil fertility

The use of organic fertilizer can enrich the soil that will be used as a planting medium by adding various organic materials. The abundance of organic compounds can increase the water holding capacity of the soil, support increased air circulation, and support better soil drainage.

3. Nourish Plants

he presence of organic fertilizer in plants can help complete the various nutrients needed such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and micronutrients. Nutritional needs that are met in a balanced way by organic fertilizer can help plants to grow and develop more optimally.

4. Harvest results become better quality

The use of organic fertilizer can make the harvest quality better. This is in line with the goals of organic farming which targets superior crop yields. The use of organic fertilizer supports plants to have good vegetative growth, stronger roots, and makes agricultural products have organoleptic quality (taste, aroma and texture).

5. Easier to Get

Organic fertilizer is actually fertilizer that is easier to obtain than having to go to a cooperative or agricultural equipment shop. Because, organic fertilizer can actually be made from rubbish that will be thrown away or it can also be made from livestock manure. If the trash and animal waste has been collected, it can then be mixed directly into the planting medium or processed first.

Tips for Choosing Organic Fertilizer

There are various types of organic fertilizer in circulation, such as manure, compost, humus, liquid organic fertilizer (POC), guano fertilizer, and many more. So how do you choose organic fertilizer? Here are the tips:

1. Adjust to your needs

Fertilizer selection needs to match the content and needs of the plant. Generally, fertilizer contains the three main nutrients that plants need, namely nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K). Nitrogen has the function of increasing leaves, phosphorus supports flowering, while potassium is useful for strengthening roots.

Each brand of fertilizer will list the nutritional content. This is where you need to adjust to the plant's needs. When growing leafy vegetables, you need fertilizer with a higher nitrogen content.

2. Select Based on Shape

In general, fertilizer is divided into two forms, namely solid and liquid. Liquid fertilizer is generally used to nourish leaves and stems by spraying or pouring it onto plants. Meanwhile, solid organic fertilizer is more suitable for nourishing plants through the roots because it is usually mixed with the planting medium.

3. Know the Advantages and Disadvantages of Fertilizer

When choosing a fertilizer, it is important to know its advantages and disadvantages. Advantages and disadvantages can come from function, durability of fertilizer, texture, and even aromas that can be annoying (for example manure).

How to Make Organic Fertilizer?

As mentioned previously, organic fertilizer can be made at home from various natural ingredients. If you want to try making organic fertilizer, you can try making it from unused waste at home.

Here are the answers to how to make natural organic fertilizer:

1. Making Liquid Organic Fertilizer Liquid

organic fertilizer can be made at home using ingredients such as rice washing water or egg shells. Making these two organic fertilizers is quite easy. Fertilizer from rice washing water can be made by collecting up to 10 liters of rice washing water into a container, then adding 200 ml of EM4 and molasses or molasses.

After that, stir the mixture and close the container tightly. Open the lid every 2 days until the fermentation process reaches 10 days. The fermentation process is said to be successful if it has a tapai-like aroma. Liquid organic fertilizer is ready to use.

Meanwhile, making liquid fertilizer from egg shells can be done by collecting egg shells and then pounding them until smooth. The crushed egg shells are then placed in water and can be sprayed or sprinkled on plants.

Making Solid Organic Fertilizer

Solid organic fertilizer that can be made at home, for example solid fertilizer from vegetable scraps and fruit peels. The way to make solid fertilizer from leftover vegetables and fruit is to collect fruit peels, vegetable pieces, chili stems and so on. After that, compost using wood ash or charcoal ash.

If you want to make this fertilizer, you should avoid using oily, fatty ingredients and dairy products. This is an explanation regarding organic fertilizer starting from the definition, benefits, tips for choosing, to how to make it at home.

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