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"how to start organic farming" Communities in rural areas can be moved to become more productive by practicing organic farming. However, it is not easy to get started. The reason is, the most difficult part is how to start organic farming in this village so that it can be run well so that the results can be felt by the local community.  
Here are five main steps that can be taken to start an organized organic farming program for rural communities. 
1. Create an organic farming business plan 
Before discussing results, it is important for each process to have a short-term and long-term plan. This is of course an effort to run the business to provide the best results. 
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For this reason, before starting, the relevant village officials should seek sufficient information regarding organic farming that will be carried out in the villages they support. The way to do this is by consulting organic farming experts, reading references related to organic farming, or sending several village farmers to take special training. 
2. Collect the necessary organic materials  
As the name suggests, this farm uses only organic ingredients. This means that farmers are required to use natural ingredients without any chemical mixtures in the agricultural process.
These materials include organic plant seeds, both vegetables and fruit. Likewise regarding the use of fertilizer, farmers can choose manure, compost, green manure and other natural pesticides. These types of materials will later be used to start organic farming. Don't forget to use decomposing bacteria when making compost, so the fertilizer can be used quickly. 
3. Organize agricultural land and manage it well and appropriately  
Village officials or officials must ensure that the land used is not problematic so that farmers can carry out their activities without burden in the future. Apart from that, make sure the location meets several main criteria, such as strategic location, easy access in and out, enough sunlight, good water source and good soil quality.  
In this way, the land can then be managed properly to carry out selected organic farming with various principles of soil and water conservation and utilization of local resources. 
4. Carry out regular maintenance in an organic way 
Maintenance is no less important because this is where the organic farming process is carried out. Ensure that maintenance is carried out regularly with a clear schedule that has been communicated beforehand with the farmer group as the manager. 
In the process, make sure that all ingredients used are only organic. Completely avoid chemical substances such as chemical pesticides. This is done to maintain the quality of land and water as well as the products produced. 
5. Take organic certification so that the product is recognized as an organic product 
This organic certification is important so that the organic agricultural products produced are recognized as organic products. This certification is carried out by INOFICE which has been verified by OKPO of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia.  
This process is carried out to ensure that the product does not contain synthetic chemicals so that it is healthier and safer to consume. In its maintenance, it uses planting methods that are environmentally friendly and do not damage soil fertility.  
This will make the organic products produced have added value so that they can be sold at high prices. That way, the results will also be greater to improve the economy of the village community as the manager.  
That is the way to start organic farming in a village. In this way, the hope is that apart from being able to protect the natural environment, it can also improve the welfare of the village community as managers of the organic farm.
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