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"online fraud"







Inspired by an ancient proverb, many roads lead to Rome, it may have been its own inspiration for online fraud syndicates to maneuver eel maneuvers for crime.

Indiscriminately educated people with a myriad of achievements and with a series of educational degrees upfront or behind his name, until even on the type of class bespoke skewers join a victim of online fraud.

Related to that, a few years ago, I was almost a victim of fraud. This experience has been my previous post because of that I try to do research to collect facts that are scattered in cyberspace concerning the mode of what is often used syndicate syndicates to commit online fraud.

But before getting to that stage, there are some important things that you must know.

Indonesia Online Fraud Target

Online fraud is not only happening in the country of Indonesia, but hit the entire world whose citizens are already literate with the world of informatics.

But of the many countries, it turns out Indonesia occupies the rank of 1 country which became the haven of online fraud target.

This is revealed from the data released kaspersky lab as published on the site that 26 percent of Indonesian consumers become the target of online crime.  
Why is Indonesia a target?
There are two main reasons for causality:

1. The number of Indonesian population is quite a lot, which means that the market opportunity for the potential victims easily 2.Still weak online monitoring system, especially in law enforcement agencies, so that the members of the swindle syndicates have enough room in doing the action of deceit. 
Behind it all, Ceo Erwan Saputra also revealed the shocking fact that there are over 1,000 online scam stores online that are currently rampant in cyberspace.
Online Fraud Mode
Speaking online fraud then the point of attention is always only automatically centered on the mode used.

Readers, maybe when you read this post you unconsciously in another room is being targeted by a swindle syndicate. So you are lucky enough to have read this post the most popular online fraud mode.

My observation, in fact there are only 2 ways to cheat the syndicate often launched, the first way to cheat in a smooth way, as smooth as eel and very subtle. The victim will feel no victim of online fraud, like a hypnotized person, right fit. Second there is also a way of cheating super rough, greedy and more like a robbery model.

The details of both ways are deceptive like this:

  1. Offering certain goods / services to consumers at low prices and unreasonable, with the money transfer agreement first and items shipped later. In fact the goods delivered are counterfeit and of low quality. unfotunately  not in accordance with the photos posted on the cheater website.
  2. Still the same way to cheat with the first point, but this time different things are not sent at all.
So what kind of goods / services that like to offer it and become a mode of fraud?

Other articles  Fraud Online in

My personal search results here on various sites, blogs, forums, social media found some unique facts online fraud mode, such as:

# 1. Parent inherited mode
This mode is a personal experience that I experienced myself. Coming from the African country, Senegal exactly. For this post I have to tell and review in my previous post "trick Senegal trick" so quite so many reviews.

# 2. Shop online mode
Perhaps an online store shaped mode like this is the most popular and widespread mode used in online fraud dramas.

Why is this method widely used?

Because this way is quite easy, just provide display items online with overgrown seduction words as a charmer, let me be tempted. Furthermore the words are widely spread and massive through free advertising channels, spam emails, BBM, WA.

For the type of goods on display, can vary and usually pertained to rare items, the latest or the market price is expensive category.

Some types of goods, such as women's beauty products (skin whitening) bags, shoes, perfumes with a particular brand. Not to escape also technology products such as cameras, mobile phones, notebooks, gadgets latest outputs also become a display of online cheater syndicates.

For health products that like to sell online is slimming body, facial care, vitality of men / women or certain herbal remedies.

For the category of services offered online cheater syndicates, is like selling pulses, selling match tickets.

# 3.Modus Prizes from specific companies

Online fraud mode model like this rarely done openly through the channel of the website but, executed only privately to the mobile phone usual friend hold.

So as if for certain events, such as the commemoration of the day of kartini, August 17, the anniversary of the company then a bank chose you to get a prize vehicle. Later in the story buddy will be asked to transfer funds in advance for the cost of delivery of the vehicle.

# 4. Employee Distribution Mode

This fourth mode is often also found in online fraud practices. Some friends have been fooled into this offer. The manpower offered is housemaid, baby sister.

Simple how it works, if you are interested in using a housekeeper or baby sister that they prepare, then the next step asked to make some money transfer. Housekeepers or baby sisters that my friend had previously messages will never send them.

There is also a mode of distribution of labor abroad that is on sale to the media room online. The lure is that you will get a high salary, if you like and interested, my friend asked to transfer funds as an administrative fee for the handling of passport or work visa.

# 5.Modes pilgrimage / Umroh

I am really very sad once, how very religious affairs made Merchandise but want in what, the facts like that.

For the mode of hajj pilgrimage according to the Head of the Special Hajj Development Sub-Director, Iwan Dartiawan, conducted by illegal Hajj travel bureau indicated not pocketing permission from the Directorate of Hajj and Umrah Implementation of the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Indonesia by way of lure the congregation with the acceleration of departure Hajj.

Though we know all the special hajj trips, will require a long queue of approximately seven to eight years.

# 6. Pesugihan mode

Pesugihan is a term that the paranormal world likes to use if not practically dukun. There are certain rituals that are believed to be able to help humans to realize what they desire.

Believe it or not, most people still haqul sure the miracle of the liars there. Evidenced by what became the furore of these last days, with the unfolding of Kanjeng Dimas Personal Devout with the mode of doubling money.

Another article 
Trick MakeDoube Money, Own Jin Ifrit

As online, pesugihan mode besides offering money marking, also use objects that are considered magic And sacred and is believed to be able to smooth the plans of potential victims.

What is a sacred object?

Kind of like a keris, certain stones, clothes. Worse there is also hair, paper bearing the verse offered. Though a cursory hair offered it just a plain broom but the spelled of the feathers perindu. Even the paper is written certain verses that are said to be the caller of jinn or khodam.

This point , the fraud runs perfectly, the goods that are considered tuah it actually just ordinary goods that are easy to buy in the snake market with cheap price.

But because wrapped heretical doctrine then The price is very unreasonable. Uniquely, there is a junior high school children who have capital copas all articles from one site pesugihan and posted on his free site was successfully managed to steal hundreds of millions of rupiah.

# 7.Modus Number Togel
For a togel enthusiast who has been severe and hard to cure again then get ready for you Will be deceived. Because the bidding numbers in the online gambling telling a lot of flying in the virtual world.

Not to mention the rampant bidding on their sites to deal with the installation of transactions but when my friend got hit, do not ever expect to be paid. Even the number of the airport disappear and difficult to contact again

To Known Fraud Mode Online

If judging carefully and carefully all the online fraud mode that operates cyberspace has a similar pattern in how it works.

The characteristics as follows:

Web used free platform, (blogspot, wordpress etc). But not a few are also berbatform paid. (Com .net, co. Id) let me impress web professional. For this kind of paid platform, you need to be more careful to recognize other suspicious signs in my next review.

The price of the products they offer usually seems reasonable given the capital spent on domain rental or web hosting.


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