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If you read the title of this post is certainly in the minds of your sanity gives another glimpse of "what it interest at home?" ha ... ha ... that house for guinea pigs hell yes there is interest for the guinea pig even more, but if the purpose of the normal course of human habitation going street where aja will never meet. so so mean "interest at home" is the flower price offerings as well as new course to build a house of flower  know.

Types of flowers that has the price so it is nothing but the anthurium or in general people say love is a wave , but for the latter is less precise understanding as it cintah wave is a part of the kind of anthurium.  

Anthurium flower eagle is one that has a high ceiling exorbitant prices like home (ha. .. ha). as in the picture below

Now can u believe, probably because of the rather gigantic it is also rewarded with a pretty fantastic value Rp. 400 million (wow. ..) It makes sense, to seed it with a height of 20 cm already had a price of 2.5 million - 3 million course for a larger size have a higher selling price as well.  

But it was not easy to obtain this eagle anthurium seeds besides if you get it then its maintenance requires extra attention than a little baby. 

For those of you who like to maintain activities flowers, make sure you can have this kind of anthurium eagle on sale with three variances red eagle, black eagle and the eagle.

Article else Organic Agriculture


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