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Community unites bloggers often be number one affairs traffic blog, and it has a point. I actually agree with such an opinion. But you need to look at and be careful you get the traffic it processes.
My personal experience is at the beginning of building this blog, my main focus is to look for instant backlinks as you saw in the lower left corner of my blog, extraordinary influence of this blog is in three weeks rangk my blog from 28 million up to 1 million.

But then my blog get into sandbox google, sad, disappointed that's what I felt and it lasted for about 5 months. Based on that experience, through this post I want to share some important things to be noticed:

Reduce the use of instant backlinks as I've mentioned in the beginning was.

  1. Make sure you get backlinks from blogs / sites that have high page rank and traffic is relatively stable.
  2. To get quality backlinks, do some preliminary monitoring of the blog you want about traffic, page rank by using SEO tools are much scattered in this virtual world.
  3. Wherever possible, avoid content-duplicate content in your blog post, for this one I suggest you make sure the content that release is the fruit of your own mind.
  4. Use social media forums such as a compass or a second forum to be a forum member on the forum, so your blog will easily tracked search engines.
Read also  blogger dilemma of choosing the best tips and tricks


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