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exam toefl
Each time the schedule starts admissions or offers of scholarships to study abroad from institutions prestigious open
prospective students around the world in droves following the English test TOEFL (Test Of Classic Foreign Language

TOEFL was first carried on in 1963 currently held in 165 countries TOEFL itself is divided into two kinds of the first International American -based TOEFL and Institutional TOEFL held both the local community college or institution of the leading English language with reference to the problems of the international TOEFL.

Exam TOEFL is difficult because many are deceptive in adding more time given to the implementation of the exam is very brief about 130 minutes to do 140 questions and 30 minutes to work on essay questions 

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TOEFL Test consists of four sections >namely Listening ( listening), Structure and Written Expression ( Grammar) Reading ( Reading) and Writing ( Essay). To be able to pass the TOEFL exam is in need some tips as follows :
  1. Understand orders well from year to year due to existing orders in the TOEFL questions are always the same.
  2. Listen to the conversations carefully because it is only played once. focus h on the matter , do not talk or look into something else because it could eliminate the concentration
  3. Choose the easy question first , and usually about the TOEFL was stratified starting from about the easy to difficult.
  4. Make sure no blank answers for TOEFL scoring system instead of the penalty system.
  5. Be sure not to sit near the wall because the sound will be heard echoing in the exam listening
  6. Currently Listening exam , focus concentration on the second speaker because there is usually an answer to the second speaker.
  7. To start working on a matter of grammar which is no easy matte . 1 s.d 15 after the 16 s.d 40. Choose two of the most likely answer


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