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"account facebook"
You confuse you change your profile picture, a lot of coment that appears when you do not do a post with a sentence like that.
Beware your FB account may have been in the collapse by unscrupulous eavesdroppers. Actually technique to hack FB account is mostly done is to utilize key logger application program.  

The function of this application to work in hidden on the Windows operating system that you use when browsing to the internet. This application will record all the activities you do related to the use of keyboard keys one of which is the time to log into your FB account.

Thus the user name and password will instantly be in the know by other people who deliberately fiddling fun for your account. Most frequently used applications on a computer for public services such as Internet cafes certainly very disturbing facts indirectly from the cafe service user's privacy.  
The easiest solution that I can convey at this poisting, be careful:
  1. Prior to browsing on the internet press control, shift, alt together then press the F8 key will display the logger application.
  2. We recommend that after learning that the Spy application is in use on the cafe you're using, leave immediately.
  3. Do not do browsing on your personal account is a good email, FB, twitter or other sites
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