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Fabulous, that's the right word to describe the astonishment caused a quite drastic increase in the ranking of this blog from the beginning since made jut ranked 28th, a week later increased to 13 million and next week again to 7 million. Why can?
I also surprisingly for mercy, because what I do just about writing posts.

I accidentally read an article that discusses how a good post, including the proper use of the title of the post and after I prove themselves from the titles of posts that I use for this is where the answer turns out.

As a result of accidentally using the titles of my post that much in use in the search engines with a low level of competition. For bloggers, to blamingfor yourself, what the post title is already using the right keywords or just for effect. To check you can go on google adword here    

But before using the facility google this one first you should register to create an account even if you have previously had accaunt on google. This is caused this one usage facility is to advertise in google with the consequences of payment. not free. Phase-stages are as follows:
  1. Log on an account that you have previously made
  2. Select the menu and reporting tools
  3. Click Keyword tool
  4. On the right hand column there is a text area FIND THE KEY WORD, fill in your keywords
  5. See the results in the column below, which said that many are looking for with low-level competition
Read also  Reason amount Backlink In the Tools different


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