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building bussines online Making money with Quick on the internet is every blogger's dream or whether it is a oldest man browsing.   But you know how to build an online business quickly and be able to make money? To answer this question, there are several steps that you must do to make money in online business via the Internet are:

#1. Increase traffic to your blog traffic in 2 ways:
Ways Online
  • Url Spread your blog by the Shop or through the forum comments on people's blogs
  • Url Spread your blog through social networking sites like Facebook, Friendster, Twitter, etc.
  • Spreading the url of your blog through sites like sosial.bookmark, etc.
  • Invest a minimum of 2 hours a day for browsing the blogs of others
Ways Offline
  • Inform your blog address to friends, relatives, siblings, and family

#2. The next stage is to register with several providers of business services for a banner ad or text ad and then get fitted on your blog (example:, AdsenseCamp) 

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#3. Upload important files that many Internet users search on a free hosting provider such as media, Ziddu. com, etc and then copy and paste the link that is given to the pair on the post in your blog

#4. With the increasing traffic of visits to your blog the opportunity to print money quickly will be very wide open, so it's important to serve visitors to your blog with the information up to date.

Similarly, several steps that must be done to start an online business that has proven capable of providing regular income to us.

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3 Choice of Business Online Model


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