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Marketing aspect has always been a major question from someone who wants to start a business including the cultivation of this fungus. Indeed, marketing is the key to success in the cultivation of mushrooms, but actually is not the only barrier in order to build the success or failure of a business, it was back in business running a business.
Many factors that also affect the success of the business, one of which involves the management of the fungus itself. 

The fact of the need to harvest every day plus the condition of oyster mushrooms are wilted so fast in Langkat need appropriate measures in the management of the fungus. Harvest scheduling is one of them is very necessary to maintain the stability of the volume of marketing. 
For example, market demand has created a number of 50 kg / day, we need to do a rotation harvesting kumbung well and stable, because if not, then the market will no longer trust us, the consequences later if harvesting occurs simultaneously with the results of many, we will have difficulty making sales. 

Good packaging will strongly support the selling price and the quality of oyster mushroom itself. Oyster mushrooms should be packed in a plastic size x18mm 0.03 per plastic with a capacity of about 200 grams. 
In the packaging process using a plastic sealer is recommended once for the condition in a plastic airtight. Fungi in this condition will remain fresh even if up to 3 days. The best marketing step is:
  1. Do harvesting a maximum of 3 hours before being packed
  2. C ut out mushroom stems and separate the good with the mushroom fungus that Condition  less good.
  3. W eigh the required size (200 gr, 250 gr, or 500 gr) Put it in plastic and do the sealer (pressed)
  4. B ring mushrooms to order (per 3 kg or per 5 kg)
  5. Mushrooms are ready to be circulated 
  Read too mushroom cultivation


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